"That's easy. Hiking, a bottle of wine, and watching the sunset." | The Odyssey Online
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I Asked 18 Guys What Their Ideal First Date Would Be And Some Answers Might Surprise You

Clear your calendar for lots of beach dates ladies.

Couple on the beach
Jonathan Borba from Pexels

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First dates are always the hardest. It feels like there's so much pressure to be an interesting person, while at the same time trying to connect with the other person.

Since you may not know each other all too well before the first date, where to bring your partner may seem like a daunting task. While we often focus on what a woman's ideal first date would look like, here are 18 guys with their input on that question.

"I would say a nice seafood dinner on the water at around sunset with a bottle of white wine."

Just name the place and I'm there.

"So my ideal first date would be one that starts at a restaurant with outdoor seating- I also wouldn't mind a picnic. Really anything involving the outdoors, as it takes a lot of the pressure off that would be present with going into a restaurant."

man and woman sitting on blue textile beside brown wicker picnic basketPhoto by Tim Collins on Unsplash

Going out to dinner can sometimes cause anxiety so I would agree, sometimes its nice to plan everything on your own. You bring the pasta and I'll bring the brownies.

"First date would be a nice evening out with dinner and at least 1 fun activity (mini golf, comedy club, etc.)"

I recommend going to Top Golf or a museum in your area. You'd be surprised how many cities have cheap mini amusement parks. Definitely something to look into.


white pillows and bed comforterPhoto by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

We all saw this one coming...

"Definitely dinner and a sunset."

I love these too, especially at the beach.

"A long walk."

man and woman walking in the middle of the roadPhoto by Emma Frances Logan on Unsplash

See if you have any trails or lakes in your area! Go walking somewhere new and make new discoveries together. Walks also allow lots of time for talking and getting to know each other.

"That's easy. Hiking, a bottle of wine, and watching the sunset."

Who knew boys were all about the vino?

"Going out on a boat for the day, packing lunch and checking out some cool stuff on the water."

photo of people riding power boatPhoto by Maxi am Brunnen on Unsplash

If you got the boat, I'll bring the lunch.

"I like to be wined and dined."

This is for all my hard working women. Show him who's boss.

 "A trip to the beach."

man carrying woman beside seashorePhoto by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

I love living near the beach were this is even an option!

"Going to a baseball game."

Or any sport. Hockey games can be a great date night!

"Rooftop dining."

patio set in terrace overlooking cityPhoto by garrett parker on Unsplash

Nothing is better than a beautiful view with a beautiful person. There are many options in Charleston as well!

"My ideal first date would be we go to her favorite restaurant, I talk but not as much as I listen to her. We drink and eat and enjoy the night. We then walk around our city just talking and occasionally entering a cool place or bar. We end up at a bench at the battery, the moonlight being the only light that shines. Put my arm around her and kiss her."

I love the detail. Would you be surprised if I told you this was from a frat brother?

"Going to an entertainment event (sports game or movie)."

group of people staring at monitor inside roomPhoto by Jake Hills on Unsplash

I can't wait to go to a movie again after everything with COVID settles down.

"I feel like that's hard to answer because an ideal first date depends on the person."

That's a sweet sentiment.

"Doing something out on the water like water diving, fishing, or paddle-boarding."

man in black shirt and black shorts riding on boat during sunsetPhoto by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

If you live somewhere where you can rent kayaks or paddle-boards, this is perfect date for a sunny day!

"My ideal first date would be something very simple like first dates should be, a nice dinner where duck must be on the menu. Afterwards throw in a little scenic car ride and maybe surprise her with a few blankets and a bottle of wine at the beach for sunset."

I second the duck sentiment, I love duck dishes.

"Since Christmas is around the corner I would say going to see Christmas lights and a romantic candlelight dinner."

shallow photography of man hugging woman outdoorsPhoto by freestocks on Unsplash

Yes! Who else can't wait for all those holiday dates!?

I hope this list not only gave you ideas of what our men consider the perfect first date, but also maybe offered some new creative date ideas for you and your boo.

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