I Don't Like That | The Odyssey Online
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I Don't Like That

Wake Forest edition.

I Don't Like That

Acquaintances approach you from a far-away distance.

No one has a good solution as to what to do in terms of this rather awkward, yet, unfortunately super frequent social occurrence. That mutual friend of your freshman year roommate's boyfriend is coming directly at you, and it is simply too little, too late for you to diverge your walking path. An awkward hello is inevitable. But do you wave or give a head nod when you are 20 feet away? In passing? Never? It is just so awkward. I don't like that.

People who don't recycle.

When there is a recycle bin directly next to a trash can and someone decides to throw his or her empty plastic water bottle in the trash, a little piece inside of me dies. These careless folks are killing God's green earth one non-recycled water bottle at a time. I don't like that.

Girls who wear tank tops and spandex when it's 55 degrees out.

I know we all want spring to arrive, but 55 degrees is simply too chilly for those kinds of clothes. Homegirl cannot be comfortable in such weather-inappropriate attire. Wearing clothes meant for an entirely different season is just a little too much. I don't like that.

I don't like that.

When someone brings smelly Chick-fil-Ai nto a silent study room.

First of all, we hear every unwrapping, nomming, and digestive sound you are making when you do this. Second of all, do you know that the heavenly scent of your Chick-fil-A fries and sandwich just made you the most hated person in the entire study room? Get out. I don't like that.

The Benson workers who take an impressively long time preparing anything.

Oh, you have 30 minutes in between classes and are trying to grab a quick bite to eat? You better factor in at least half that time waiting to get literally anything from the Benson food court. Excuse yourself for interrupting a personal conversation between the two ladies at Boars Head with your sandwich order. Sorry, but you're telling me you're not cool with a little bit of corn in your predominantly fruit salad? A black bean or two in your Caesar? WELCOME TO MOES. (I don't like that).

When your roommate passively-aggressively signals that she is going to bed by crawling in while you are still sitting there doing homework.

Maybe this only happens to me. But not saying a simple, “Alright, I'm exhausted -- Gonna get some sleep, now," makes things way more uncomfortably awkward than they need to be at 12:45 a.m. on a weeknight. I don't like that.

People who play music on their phones while walking, sans headphones.

I'm sorry, what? What is this trend? No one wants to listen to your personal trap music playlist while stuck behind you on the way to class. Enough with these wannabe DJ's trying to share their sub-par music with the unamused world. I don't like that.

When your cool freshman friend joins a fraternity or sorority and then completely ignores you the millisecond he or she gets their bid.

It happens every year. You sit in front of that nice freshman and end up doing group projects together and sooner or later you actually become pals. Maybe you even hang out. Then, they get a bid or become a pledge and you never hear from them again. Do they even remember your name? Probably, but you will never hear them say it again. I don't like that.

When people complain about the Pit.

This one really perturbs me. What doesn't the Pit have to offer? You have your varying hot meals, your reliable hamburgers and chicken breast, wraps and sandwiches, Asian (Mongolian Grill), pizza and pasta, healthy options, soup and salad bar, dessert -- I just don't get it. It's a university dining hall. If you want a filet mignon and calamari, go drive to Five Points and spend a pretty penny for it. I don't like that.

The guilt I feel when I consciously avoid the person outside of the Pit tryna sell me crap.

As much as I like the Pit, I will admit that I avoid the campus-involved students who camp out in front of the Pit trying to sell me tickets to the spring play, or cookies from the 3,275th bake-sale-for-a-cause. I am sorry to admit it, but I just don't like that.

Dorm showers that cannot make up their minds about being molten lava hot or bone-chillingly glacial.

It is bad enough some of us still have to wear shower shoes. Then, after spending a solid 45 seconds tampering with the shower handle in order to make it just the right temperature, someone flushes the toilet and your entire body instantly gets covered in third degree burns. I don't like that.

Wake Forest parking.

I shall make this last one short and sweet. I, along with every other student with a car on Wake Forest's beautiful campus, don't like that.

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