It is no easy thing to do. Moving across the country from everything ever known. To leave a way of life taught and conditioned in a mind from 6 years old until this very day. Searching and findings ways to get what is deserved. Many conflicting thoughts of "toughing it out" or "maybe it will get better" to keep rooted in a situation that was thought to be the be-all-end-all for the next 3-5 years. Sadly, not all stories workout in such a fairy-tale manor. Some are extended and have to be rewritten for self happiness, while others reach an abrupt end that leaves the author distraught.
The move from SEC country to Big 12 country is anything but seamless. The thought of sitting out for a year, knowing the capabilities possessed within will be gut wrenching. One thing to look forward to is the future- a future of touchdowns and self peace knowing the right decision was made on changing out the purple and yellow for the orange and black. 2015, five stars were given and a number 11 overall ranking was to claim as your own. Nobody has or will forget. Two touchdowns were caught last year. Then again, it is hard to standout in a heavy run offense with the culprits by the name of Leonard Fournette and Derrius Guice. The move to Stillwater from Baton Rouge was exactly the right move. Coming to a place where two touchdowns will be averaged per game and the people will know you as more than just a football player will do wonders for your mental fortitude.
James Washington will be the perfect compliment on the other side, Mason Rudolph does more throwing than handing off, and dirty curdy will be waiting for you after every game, win or lose. Moving to Stillwater is one of the greatest things one can do. Mental fortitude will be tested being far away from home and having to sit out, the social media attention of bitter LSU fans might be unbearable at times, but before it gets too bad, it will get much better. Endurance will be key this year, you have that, Mr. Johnson, especially after being able to run 16 110 yard sprints for time.
These next three years will be self made, self made in the fact that they can go anyway the mind will allow them.
Being a Cowboy is much more than being a football player, it is about joining a family of the brightest orange and supporting each other day in and day out. Here you will see that, and it can't help but make you smile on the inside.
Becoming a Cowboy is the greatest thing one can do, and you are a man of greatness.