Going from having one 2 hour class every other day to working roughly 50-60 hours a week has taught me something precious about time. It goes by quickly. There aren’t that many hours in a day, to be productive at least. You will burn out quickly. And every day seems to go by so slowly when the week seems so daunting, yet every Friday I can’t believe how quickly the week went by.
There I was staring at the calendar looking at how far away my graduation in December was and now the fear of unemployment is staring me in the face with only 2 months to prepare for dealing with that. That being said, I have also learned a lot of positive attributes about my work ethic and I would like to share how, for me, I handle the stress, commotion, and rush of working so hard and so much, knowing there is a bigger goal as the motivator.
Go to bed early
There is nothing worse than closing your eyes at 1 am and opening them again just 5 hours later. I’ve gone to bed early just in the past week and already noticed improvements in my face and how much energy I have in the day.
Eat a REAL breakfast.
I used to just eat a Belvita breakfast snack and run out the door. I realized I was starving within the car ride to work. A quick tip? Crack one egg and mix it with a fork, fry one side for 30 seconds, flip it over and do the same to the next side for 30 seconds. Throw some cheese, avacado and tomatoe in it and you have an egg wrap with protein and energy to spare for the long drag before lunch.
Dress for success.
Every time I wear something I don’t particularly like myself, I feel uncomfortable. Dress the for the part you're playing but make sure you’re comfortable. This can make a big difference in your day.
Actually use an agenda.
Nothing is more comforting this crossing off different tasks in your agenda. This will be your best friend.
Make time for you.
Whether this is working out, reading a book, seeing your friends your body and mind need this. There is always half an hour in one week to do something.
Tea is life.
One word: antioxidants. No, two words. Antioxidants and caffeine.
Keep the bigger picture in mind.
This is all for something you really want. If you can’t find anyone in your life to be proud of you make that someone yourself. You can get through this and you absolutely will be better for it.