How To Be Fall Forward | The Odyssey Online
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How To Be Fall Forward

Ways to make the best out of autumn season.

How To Be Fall Forward

For many people, fall is one of those seasons that you either love or you hate. Fall is the season of saying goodbye to many things (like the leaves in the trees) or getting ready for new beginnings (the pouring rains and the snow). For students, fall is the season of adjustment; adjusting to classes, learning how to make friends, or learning how to be your best self--whether your motives are academic or personal. But there are several ways to cope with changes, and get the best out of this season. Here are 8 of those ways:

1. Take strolls outside during the evenings

Enjoy the crisp and cool weather by taking strolls outside often--especially during the evenings. Fall is that "in between" season when the weather is just right. Wear a light jacket and darker clothes to capture warmth and admire the beautiful outdoors.

2. Be fall-festive

Collect beautiful fall leaves and make special crafts. Or jump on top of those fall leaves and just have fun!

3. Wear comfortable clothes or enjoy the fall fashion

Whether you're wearing colorful Pashmina scarves, leather gloves, berets, gorgeous jackets, tights, or boots, there are several ways of keeping warm and looking good this fall.

4. Eat good food

Stock up on some candy to eat occasionally (perhaps on the weekends) and enjoy warm drinks. How about some s'mores, candy apples, fondue sweets, cinnamon buns, chocolate chip cookies, hot cocoa, or cupcakes? Don’t eat these all at once of course!

5. Exercise often

Since the weather is not as warm as the summer, go to the gym often so you don’t gain the Freshman 15!

6. Commit to a hobby that you have always wanted to do

This can be learning how to play the guitar (join guitar club), learning how to cook (join cupcake club) or learning how to draw, in which case you can always look up YouTube videos. If you feel inspired, make henna art, create drawings or write poems.

7. Read a good book

There will be several times when you may just want to stay in (maybe on those rainy days). Reading books can help you apply your focus on something that isn’t just work.

8. Write down your favorite memories

We are quick to fret about all of the negative events that occur in our lives, so it’s a good idea to write down the good memories, with the motive that our optimism can ultimately lead us to personal success. What are some of the funny jokes that your friends have told you? What are some of the inspiring and memorable things that you have heard from others? Add these to a notebook or make a "quote wall" in your dorm room!

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