Healthy Habits to Adopt
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Health and Wellness

9 Healthy Habits You Need to Adopt

The smallest changes can lead to the biggest results not only physically, but mentally.


Are you feeling super groggy and unmotivated? What about sad or overwhelmed? I'm not an expert, but I do know a few things about healthy living. I've come up with a list of nine easy things (yes, nine) that will start pointing you in the right direction. Not only are these habits good for your physical health, they are also good (and absolutely necessary) for your mental health as well. Let's just all be healthy, happy, motivated and successful individuals, shall we?

1. Get up early


I'm currently writing this article at 6:05 am, and at this moment, my laundry is in the wash, my coffee is being brewed, my face is squeaky clean and I've already replied to all my emails from the day before. Trust me, getting up early is a total bitch, but once you get used to it, it's completely worth it. Your brain may need a little kick start of espresso, but once you get going… you're GONE. Your productivity for the day will increase tremendously, and there is seriously nothing better than having a good morning.

2. Write out your plans


Setting goals may sound silly and cliché, but actually having them can go a long way. I like to take the time in the morning to get out a journal and write down my entire day before it even starts. This includes to-dos, work, meetings, gym time, chores and anything else that I may need to get done throughout the day. This way, I can see how much time I need to devote to each activity (because we all know that if we just lay around and push things off to the last minute, we will scroll through social media for hours without even realizing it). Writing everything down is also a huge way to relieve stress!

3. Focus on your hygiene


Not only is it healthy to wash off your body everyday (for obvious reasons), but it is also a great way to relax and get ready for the day. Showering or taking a bath will let your pores open up, your body wake up and your brain clear up. Being clean = a better day. Also, please take care of your skin! I cannot stress this enough. Ladies, if you keep your makeup on all day and night I will personally come over and scrub off your face. You're just piling up bacteria, dirt, viruses and dead skin cells. Your skin is your body's biggest organ. Give it the care it needs.

4. Clean your space


I don't know about you, but I get unhindered anxiety if I try to do work or study in a messy space. Being surrounded by clutter totally clutters my mind, and I feel more at ease if my space is tidy. Do yourself a favor and do some spring (now summer) cleaning. Sell or donate what you don't need, and reorganize what you have left. If you're feeling a little extra, you can do some color coding or get cute new decor. It does wonders.

5. Drink yo water


Again, super cliché but drink your damn water. Staying hydrated will make you feel fuller longer, your skin will glow, you'll flush out toxins, you will boost your immune system, your cramps will be less intense and your brain will function more properly. There are so many more benefits to drinking water, but just do it. Please. Carry around a cute water bottle if you have to, or if you're a tool (and proud), carry around a gallon. I'm not shaming you. I'm proud of you.

6. Cut out toxic relationships


Water may flush out physical toxins, but it can't flush out the mental ones. That's on you. You will become more and more like the people you surround yourself with. Do you want to be positive and motivated or pessimistic and negative? If there are people in your life that totally suck the life out of you with their attitude, you don't need them. Be selfish. Your mental well-being should come first, even if that means hurting a relationship.

7. De-stress your mind


I know this is easier said than done, but take the time to focus on relieving your stress. You might have the most jam-packed stressful day ahead of you, but if you take a few minutes to breathe, meditate, give yourself a pep talk or workout YOU WILL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. Personally, I like to sweat everything out, so a good lifting or yoga session does wonders for my body and my mind. If you need to punch it out, I'm sure Groupon has deals on kickboxing classes FYI.

8. Get fresh air


Even if it is below 30 degrees outside, taking a small walk from your house to the mailbox will benefit you. Being cooped up inside all day just calls for a disaster waiting to happen, so get up, move around and go outside. This ties hand-in-hand with taking breaks from your work. You are much more likely to be productive if you have 15-minute breaks every 2-3 hours. Use this time to get some sun or just sit outside for a bit.

9. Focus on your gut


Hippocrates once said that "All disease begins in the gut." Your GI health is responsible for not only your physical well-being but also your mental well-being. Let me throw you a few facts. Healing the gut gives you a stronger immune system, better skin, hormone regulation, toxin elimination and it can even brighten your mood. A 2015 Cell Journal study pointed out that 90 percent of the body's serotonin is made in the gut, so it makes sense that a healthier gut will lead to a healthier mind in the long run. Start taking care of it by reducing your processed food and simple carb intake, incorporating more (healthy) fats, more fermented foods and probiotics! Yes, even that over-advertised apple cider vinegar can help (in moderation). Also, drink yo water.

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