Happiness. It's something we all want to achieve. Can you achieve it, though? Some people say happiness is a choice. It comes to some people so easily; for others, they have to work at it. Circumstances in life can hold us back from being happy. So, what are the secrets to happiness?
At SoulPancake, a YouTube channel, they had a project named the Science of Happiness. About two years ago, I came across this video. It never left my mind.
A few people came in, and their happiness scores were reported. Some were fairly low. Each person had to think of a person they are really grateful for and call them to thank them. After they each called someone, their happiness levels were raised at least 14 percent. Isn’t that amazing? The next time you’re feeling down, you could make a list of the things or people you are grateful for. It has never failed to make a person feel a little bit better.
Be gentle to yourself.
This one is super important. Life can bring a lot of hardship; this can be with relationships, friendships, our careers, etc. Remember to not be so hard on yourself because we are all human. Keep telling yourself you are doing the best you can. If your best is not enough for someone, let them go. Try to love yourself as much as you love others around you. "Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear."
Forgive, forgive, forgive
Did you know holding a grudge can actually be bad for your health? Seth Meyers, a psychologist, found that "holding grudges and keeping in negative feelings is bad for your mental health, increasing anxiety and frustration." A lot of research has shown that it can result in greater stress responses, like high blood pressure and heart rate, and overall a less happier person. You don't need to forgive someone for their sake but for your sake. Mentally, you'll be a lot healthier and happier than before. Forgiving is one of the most uplifting feelings because that person and/or their mistakes do not control you or weigh down on you anymore. A quote I live by is, "Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got."
Overall, remember to focus on yourself sometimes. Do not let the negative take over most of your thoughts. Express gratitude, focus on your passion and forgive the people that hurt you. It will go a long way, I promise.