Spooky Cute Halloween Costumes for You and Your Boo | The Odyssey Online
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16 Halloween Costumes For You And Your Boo That Are So Cute It's Scary

Halloween pun intended.

Halloween Costumes

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I think we can all agree that Halloween is the best holiday. Making costumes with friends, significant others or solo is so much fun.

Just look at #15 and #16; my boyfriend and I love dressing up each year. Here are some ideas to get your spooky juices flowing:

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable

Call me, beep me, if you wanna TRICK OR TREAT me.

Peter Pan and Wendy Darling

Peter Pan and Wendy Darling

If you never grown up, you can always go trick or treating.

Shaggy and Scooby

Shaggy and Scooby


Baby and Johnny 

Baby and Johnny

Nobody puts Baby in a costume without her man.

Janet Snackhole and Bert Macklin

Janet Snackhole and Bert Macklin

Bert Macklin, FBI. Janet Snakehole, very rich widow with a terrible secret.

Jim and Pam

Jim and Pam

When he's the Jim to your Pam...

Jim and Pam Costumes

Jim and Pam Costumes

Jim and Pam... but Halloween.

Cosmo and Wanda

Cosmo and Wanda

"We're two halves of a whole idiot."

Forrest Gump and Jenny

Forrest Gump and Jenny

Extra points if your boo carries around a ping pong paddle and box of chocolates.

Tooth fairy and dentist

Tooth fairy and dentist

A real power couple here.

Clark Kent and Lois Lane

Clark Kent and Lois Lane

You're sure to have a super night with this one.

Steve Irwin and crocodile 

Steve Irwin and crocodile


Regina George and Aaron Samuels

Regina George and Aaron Samuels

So fetch.

Boo and Sully

Boo and Sully

Honestly, this is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Pebbles and Bam Bam

Pebbles and Bam Bam

We got everything for the costume for under $20 total and spent maybe an hour making everything. It was so much fun and everyone loved it!

Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf

This was my favorite because of the detail I put into my boyfriend's face. Plus, we got a ton of compliments throughout the night!

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