Saying Goodbye To Abby Wambach | The Odyssey Online
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Saying Goodbye To Abby Wambach

A farewell to one of the greatest soccer players in history.

Saying Goodbye To Abby Wambach

Throughout my childhood, I always watched and looked up to the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team. From Mia Hamm to Brandi Chastain and finally Abby Wambach, there have been so many great players I have watched. Not only were they my role models as soccer players, but also as leaders. For 14 years, Abby Wambach has been a constant on the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team. This year, the legend retired.

Abby went down as one of the most important and influential soccer players in women’s soccer. She led the team as captain for years, led them to wins in the Olympics, and finally, this past year, the World Cup. She led the fight against FIFA for equal treatment of female players, specifically to get the recent World Cup to be played on grass, rather than artificial turf, as well as equal payment.

On the other side, Abby Wambach is the top goal scorer in the world. With 184 international goals, she surpassed Mia Hamm’s record by 26 goals. 77 of Abby’s goals were off her head. Abby was by far the best header in the game; with her height, she was always able to get to the ball before everyone else, and her headers were hard and on target. No one could boast a record as impressive as this, and yet, she would never boast. She was too modest.

Abby was the perfect role model for every young soccer player. She was a good person. She was a good soccer player. She was a leader. She impacted so many different U.S. soccer players throughout the years and taught them the way in order to be the best that the team could be. From Alex Morgan to Carli Lloyd, both players say that without Abby, their careers wouldn’t even be as close to as successful as they are today.

Without Abby Wambach, U.S. Women’s Soccer wouldn’t be anywhere near what it is now. As it is the number one team in the nation, no team comes close to as good as the U.S. team. And we couldn’t have done it without Abby. She was someone we all looked up to while growing up and playing soccer. She was humble, grateful, courageous, and did everything with 110 percent.

So thank you, Abby Wambach, for years of great soccer. But moreover, thank you for being a role model, a wonderful person, and an athlete anybody would be able to look up to. You have shaped so many lives, and we couldn’t be more thankful. Here's to a happy retirement; I’m sure we’ll all see you soon.

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