God Takes Tim Tebow For Number 1 Draft Pick in Fantasy Football | The Odyssey Online
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God Takes Tim Tebow For Number 1 Draft Pick in Fantasy Football

God Takes Tim Tebow For Number 1 Draft Pick in Fantasy Football
"Tim Tebow Tebowing" by Ed Clemente Photography / Wiki Commons

With the upcoming NFL season approaching, God has shocked the fantasy football world by taking Tim Tebow with the number 1 draft pick.

Tebow, who has often been ridiculed for his very outspoken faith and for his throws being less of a spiral and more like a kamikaze duck, says that he is honored to play for his idol, and is determined to prove to God that he is in fact, left handed.

In what could be the greatest Father-son NFL duo since the Manning brothers and their dad did that one commercial to show that their helmets can indeed fit over their massive foreheads, God is confident that His number one pick will take Him to the promise land.

“I have all the confidence in the world in Timothy,” said God as He worked on his upcoming novel, The Book of Tebow. “Sure, I might have given him a faulty left arm when he was in the factory, but god damn me if he doesn’t have the most heart you’ve ever seen.”

However, with Tebow sitting fourth in the depth chart behind quarterbacks Sam Bradford, Mark “the butt fumble” Sanchez, Matt Barkley and an actual live eagle, Tebow will struggle to get playing time, let alone make the roster.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” said God, while calling Zeus to ask him to take care of a few things for Him.

God’s fantasy team, the Charles Darwinners, will take on Gandhi’s team, Too Sexy for My Shirt, in week 1 of the season. See league members and their teams below.

God: Charles Darwinners

Gandhi: Too Sexy for My Shirt

Satan: OJ is my boy

Abraham Lincoln: 4 Score and 7 beers ago

JFK: #f*ckdallas

Michael Jackson: Macaulay Culkin Fan Club

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