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My Top 5 Foods For My Fellow Poor People

The struggle is real, but hunger doesn't have to be.

My Top 5 Foods For My Fellow Poor People

Ahh, money. Although we don't need it for happiness, we do need it to survive.

Food, water, and shelter are our keys to survival for the human race. Water is usually abundant, shelter depends on where you are in the world, but food, oh food is quite needed, especially for you 18-24-year-olds out there.

However, being broke and trying to eat can be a struggle sometimes. However, now as a postgrad one year later, I am still with you folks on the broke person train. There are foods you can at your local grocery store that won't break the bank, and I am here to disclose that info with ya'll. Alright now, listicle time, let's do it.

1. Eggs.


Eggs are one of the best foods in general, don't @ me bro. Seriously, how many things can you make that involve eggs? The possibilities are endless. Plus, it's eggs, they never really break the bank anyways, and it's an acceptable meal at any given point of the day.

2. Pasta.


Since any type of pasta by itself has no flavoring, you have to provide it yourself, and once again, the possibilities are endless with what you can do with it. The beauty of pasta is that at any given point of the week, your local grocery store will probably be having some sort of sale on pasta, and you must take advantage when this moment comes. Pasta being very filling is also a bonus so that just helps even more.

3. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.


Since it was introduced to the World Fair in 1904, the cult classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich has become immortalized in western cultures. Seriously though, who can hate on something so simple yet so effective? An excellent source of protein, it's filling, plus no one will really judge you for having multiple amounts of these because you simply can't go wrong making these. If you do have a peanut allergy though, that's okay, there are still other foods on the list.

4. Cereal.


Yet another of those foods that are perfectly acceptable at any given point of the day, getting multiple boxes of cereal for yourself is also a move. Again, no one should judge you for having cereal for dinner, if they are, you don't need that negativity in your life. Just be sure to choose a good tasting cereal as you're probably gonna be having it for a good while.

5. Rice.


Rice, the food that just keeps on giving, and the staple of my Asian household. Rice goes great with anything, let's be real here. I am a white rice guy, but brown rice is more healthy for you, but any of the two works fine. You can buy rice in bulk and stock up on it, and you can definitely live on it for a while, just make sure to have something with it to make a little more exciting.

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