Now, I am not really that into sports, but let me tell you -- hockey is a different story. And unless you live under a rock or are too busy counting down the days until football season, you should know that it's the NHL playoffs, the most important time of the year. So, in honor of the playoff season kicking off this week, I compiled my four favorite hockey fights in NHL history.
1. "The Brawl."
My favorite fight of all time. This Flyer and Senator fight was dubbed "The Brawl" due to the sheer magnitude of it. It received the most penalties per minute in a game. But who battled out the hardest? Senators. Duh.
2. Penguins vs. Islanders.
There are quite a few fights that happened this night, but my favorite two are at 4:20, when there is a giant iceman pile up on the rink, and at 5:00, when Johnson spun out into the goal. So who won this one? Islanders. Need I even say it?
3. Sharp vs. Horcoff.
OK, so it's not an all-out brawl, but the announcer gets me every time: "They talked it out." You mean with their fists? This brawl is the toughest I have seen in the last few years, and it's a real shame Sharp got traded because this is a definite Blackhawks win.
4. Sharks vs. Blues.
How can you not love all the bear hugging in this all-out brawl? The whole game was full of them, but this fight takes the cake. Shout out to Sobotka for showing mercy. This was clearly a Blues win.
Whether you agree with my top choices or not, it's hard for any hockey fan to deny that the epic fights are one of the best parts about the game.