Every Girl's Reaction to Kelly Oubre Leaving | The Odyssey Online
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Every Girl's Reaction to Kelly Oubre Leaving

Goodbye, Kelly OuBAE.

Every Girl's Reaction to Kelly Oubre Leaving

It was a devastating blow to Kansas basketball fans everywhere when the freshman stud, Kelly Oubre Jr. announced he was entering into the NBA draft. Although Oubre was number 12 on the court, he was number one in the hearts of many. To be more specific, Oubre became the fantastical heartthrob of women across the country.

I don't know if it's his statuesque physique, his "FEAR GOD" tattoos perfectly placed on his chiseled biceps or his emerald-colored eyes that have a way of staring into the depths of your soul. Of course, I feel (and I am sure others can attest to this as well) that Oubre's time on the court of Allen Fieldhouse was too short, but we must all say goodbye to Kansas's very own eye candy.

This news caused a stirring among women everywhere. The New Orleans native has had women fantasizing about the beauty of their future children, the perfect height difference for an Instagram picture and a dream wedding with the six-foot-seven shooting guard with Bill Self as the officiant.

With this being said, Kelly Oubre has left us longing for more time. The famous psychiatrist Kübler-Ross described the five stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. What Kübler-Ross did not know in producing this theory, is how well it would apply to the distraught fans of Kelly Oubre:

1. Denial.

The day has come. A video posted by Kelly Oubre Jr. stating his leave of absence due to the upcoming 2015 NBA draft.

You proceed to yell “I'M NOT LISTENING!" while plugging your ears and humming aloud in the library, making a complete fool of yourself. You do everything in your power to convince yourself that this is not true. Your future husband, Kelly Oubre, cannot be leaving the glorious state of Kansas.

2. Anger
The horror has finally struck you.
You are enraged at the NBA for taking this man away from you. Kelly cannot leave. WHY, KELLY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US? You are fired up and burning that there will soon be an empty space where number 12 once sat. We first knew him as Kelly Oubre, then, before our eyes, we saw his broad shoulders on the court, and he turned into Kelly OuBAE.

3. Bargaining
You begin to beg the NBA for just a little more time. You tell yourself you will be more proactive if they allow this god-like man to stay. “Dear Jesus, I will only skip one class a week if you allow THE Kelly Oubre to continue to ball for the University of Kansas."

4. Depression
The pain has finally hit you. All of your future plans you once dreamed of are now gone. You thought he was "The One". You begin to realize the horror of it all—no one can pull off the copper colored faux-hawk hairstyle quite like K.O. The only thing that puts you at ease is remembering Kelly's razor sharp jawline. **Let the waterworks begin!**

5. Acceptance
All good things must come to an end. Thank you, Kelly. Thank you for being the reason I brush my hair before class just in case I see you on campus. Thank you for being you. Now you must accept the fact that your man is moving on to greener pastures.

Kelly, if you ever decide to come back to Allen Fieldhouse for a nice visit, we will welcome you with open arms.

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18. You won't like everyone, but you will find your best friends sooner or later.

19. You actually have to go to class.

20. Enjoy it, because you will be sad when it is all over.

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