the worst thing exes have done
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20 People Reveal The Craziest Thing Their Ex Has Done After A Breakup

Breakups are hard, but for some, it's even harder keeping your pride and sanity when a relationship ends.


Studies have found that love affects the brain similarly to addictive drugs and that losing love can lead to feelings similar to withdrawal. Considering the scientific standpoint of losing love, it's not very surprising that heartbreak can lead people to do some insane things. Almost everyone has a "crazy ex" story or has been the "crazy ex" in someone else's story. For the past week, I have been reaching out to people on social media and collecting their experiences. From funny to downright scary, here are 20 people's testimonies of the craziest thing an ex has done to them after a breakup.

1. Interfering with someone's professional life after a breakup is a whole new low.


"My ex and the girl he dated after we broke up sent some risqué photos of me to my boss and told her they were the parents of one of the kids I teach. They claimed that they found the photos on my public social media, which is obviously a big deal. Eventually, my boss found out that they were lying. But my boss still saw me in my underwear and I almost got fired because of them."

2. When you have to make up lies to trash your ex, that says more about your character than theirs.


"The craziest thing one of my exes has ever done to me post breakup is tell everyone in my (ex) friend group that I peed on him and crossdressed for fun."

3. Some people just won't take no for an answer.


"He showed up to my house multiple times threatening that I couldn't leave him and downloaded a texting app to get a new number every time I would block his."

4. What part of "leave me alone" do some people not understand?


"He showed up at my house sobbing after I told him I wasn't home. So I had to hide upstairs while my mom talked to him in his car for over an hour. He was an ugly, snotty mess and wouldn't stop banging his head on the steering wheel and screaming 'why?' It doesn't end there though. Three years later, I found that I was getting logged out of my Snapchat frequently. I figured it was probably a glitch and never thought much of it.

When I mentioned it to my current boyfriend, he told me that sometimes I open snapchats from him at night and don't respond and that when he checks my location on Snap Maps, it says that I'm in another state. When I checked for myself to see my location, my bitmoji was at my ex's house. So he somehow figured out my password and has been logging on and reading my conversations with my current boyfriend."

5. Why leave the revenge to karma when you know he leaves his car unlocked at night?


"He didn't do it, but after he cheated on me, I egged his car and put a jar of creamed herring under his seat. It ended up spilling and he had to get the whole thing detailed. His friends told me it smelled terrible for weeks."

6. Did someone say hypocrite?


"He shamed me while we were dating because I had a hoop nose ring, telling me I looked trashy and saying things like, "You look like a slut with that." I ended up taking it out and we eventually broke up for other reasons. Then he went and got his nose pierced…Hoop nose ring."

7. Well that escalated quickly.


"When I was 17, I dated this girl from work for about 3 weeks. It wasn't anything serious, but she was my first girlfriend so I took it to heart. Turns out she told everyone that I was an asshole for taking the breakup that seriously and making her feel bad. She also told my coworkers that she thought I secretly looked like a turtle which I was a little insulted by. It doesn't stop there though. She started going to parties shortly after we broke up, getting "back in the game."

About 2 weeks after we were broken up, I constantly heard stories with her name and a very loud amount of laughter following them. When a good friend of mine heard the story, he passed it on to me. Just to spite me, she gave 20+ guys oral sex in those 2 weeks and became the talk of her school as she blew two guys at the same time. Yes, at the exact same time. Picture it, you can figure it out. So that wasn't exactly hurtful as more embarrassing that I dated that girl. It didn't help that I had to keep working with her after the fact."

8. The nerve of some people...


"He spent 3 weeks telling me that he still loved me and that he didn't want either of us to move on. Meanwhile, he was already dating the girl that he cheated on me with."

9. Ignoring something doesn't mean it didn't happen.


"After I broke up with my ex, she decided to just pretend that we hadn't broke up in the first place. She kept calling me 'baby' and pretended like we were still in a relationship, but that didn't last very long. When I started seeing someone else, she accused me of cheating on her and then told me she would give me a 'second chance' even though I was the one who initiated the breakup and had already moved on."

10. The ultimate betrayal.


"The craziest thing I've ever had happen is my ex dating my best friend and all of my close friends turning their backs on me."

11. At least you know you've got true friends.


"My ex went to the same concert as my best friend and they just so happened to run into each other. My friend is super nice and still decided to say hi, but my ex decided to try to hook up with her just so he could brag about it and I'd eventually find out. After this happened, my best friend almost punched him in the face and several people at the concert had to stop her."

12. What's the point?


"She came into my work--a restaurant-- 2 years after our breakup and gave me a hard time while on my shift."

13. You could definitely land in jail for doing something like this.


"He broke into my backyard at night and stared into my window all night."

14. Drama.


"We worked together at a Thai restaurant. He texted me and asked me to work in the kitchen instead of the floor because he couldn't stand to see my face."

15. Talk about invasive.


"She texted me from a mutual friend's phone asking who I was with that night and tried to get a picture of her."

16. You can't be insulted by the truth.


"He slept with one of my best friends a couple months after we broke up to 'get information' about me. Then we started talking again and he left me for this other dude which was no big deal. Except about 9 months later, he tried to cheat on the kid with me and then got mad at me for calling him out."

17. Why make up such brutal lies about someone you supposedly "loved"?


"She lied about cheating on me multiple times and then told her friends I was abusive and to send me threats while she knew I was having a mental breakdown."

18. Yikes.


"One of my exes came to my house with a box of my stuff, cried, and begged me to take him back. He wouldn't leave for hours."

19. When you catch them in their lie.


"My ex made a fake Grindr while I was away at school and then texted my current boyfriend, claiming that I was cheating on him. When my boyfriend said, 'Well that's impossible because he doesn't live in your state at the moment' my ex immediately blocked him. Guilty af."

20. Making up lies about your partner while you're still together? No wonder he dumped you.


"My ex was compulsively jealous. She told my parents I smoked weed (which was a lie) just so they wouldn't let me go to a party that her parents wouldn't let her go to. When I broke up with her, she called my parents crying and came to my house begging me to stay with her."

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