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To The Next Big Adventure

For the one that has always been there for me.

To The Next Big Adventure
Meagan Pusser

Dear Best Friend,

Let me start this out by saying one thing: I don't know what I would ever do without you.

We have watched each other grow up, gotten each other through every stressor from playground hearsay to internship scheduling drama. How could I ever deny the fact that we are practically sisters after we have gone through things like that together? Add the fact that you lived a few states away from me for a few years and sometimes I wonder if we are the same person.

When I think about Harry Potter premieres in our nerdy robes and our movie nights spent updating one another on the whereabouts of our high school peers, I always realize how much we truly get one another. You know how much I hate when people say that, but I mean it when I say that about our friendship. We can go weeks with only a few messages passing between us amidst the melee and as soon as we are reunited it's like I have finally found my way back to home, back to the best parts of my childhood.

Getting through the awkward stages of life with someone can truly change a relationship, usually for the worst. Rumors spread, boys enter the picture, jealousy butts its ugly head, and things fall apart—but that's certainly not the case with us. If anything, getting through those few rough years of puberty together has strengthened our relationship. When I started to worry about little things, I knew I could go to for help or even just to vent about my problems. When you started to worry about little things, you would do the same and that's how I know I've finally found the lifelong, equal-effort friendship I have always valued.

If you thought I could go an entire "rant" without getting into the mushy stuff and telling you how much I trust you, you're kidding yourself. However, I will take a slight turn from this expectation just to keep you on your toes. Instead of telling you how much I appreciate the fact that I can trust you, I would like to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you can trust me.

I know you always say that you "word vomit" whenever you are in a social situation, but, trust me, that's just part of your charm. The fact that you never worry about that when we hang out tells me that you trust me just as much as I trust you. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable like that is not easy for anyone, especially when that "word vomit" often reveals some of the deepest, darkest fears that linger in the back of your mind. I'm glad I can be the one to hear those unfiltered panics and help you put them to rest.

Lastly, I want you to know that I am so incredibly proud of you. When everyone else follows some path of "well, my parents want me to be a/an *insert "stable" career choice here*," you have decided to do what you want to do with your life.

I know the decisions you have made regarding your academic journey have not been easy for you. I'm sure you've doubted yourself on more occasions than you care to admit, but I want you to know that every step that you have taken along the way leads you to where you are today.

After eleven years of friendship, I know I don't need to say it but I'm going to say it anyway, just so it is in writing: I will be there for you every step of the way. Even if I have to conquer the three-hour drive to get there, I will be there for you in any way that I can. Even if I have to take a FaceTime call from the bathroom, I will be there for you.

I can't wait to see what this next chapter brings for you. Here's to gaining independence, to being yourself, and to appreciating the best friends that have been there for over half of your life.

I love you!


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