Why I Cannot Support Donald Trump
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Why I Cannot Support Donald Trump

Donald Trump running for president is the equivalent to an individual who has never played football trying out for an NFL team.

Why I Cannot Support Donald Trump
AP Photo

In June, we were presented with our two nominees for the general presidential election. The nominees chosen were Hillary Clinton (Democratic nominee), and Donald Trump (Republican nominee). The nominations of Clinton and Trump have made this election unlike any other.

On one side, we have a woman who has been in politics for decades, and on the other, we have a businessman turned reality TV star who thinks he has what it takes to run the country.

In my opinion, neither candidate is the ideal choice. In regards to Hillary Clinton, there is just something about her that I don't trust. Despite her extensive political experience, there is just something about her that I'm not fond of, and I can't really get on board with her campaign. In regards to Donald Trump, I feel as though he will make a terrible president. He is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, and those things have no place in the Office of the President of the United States.

While I'm not a fan of either of the two, I feel much more strongly about my distaste of Donald Trump. I have a long list of reasons why I don't like the Republican nominee, but for the sake of time and my sanity, I will list four reasons why I cannot support Donald Trump.

1. He Has No Real Plans

Have you heard Donald Trump lay out plans for some of the big moves he plans to make as president? Yeah, me either. I feel as though most of what comes out of his mouth is noise. In my opinion, Trump is one who likes to run his mouth about everything, and this shows that he has no real plan. Yes, he has a lot of ideas of what he would do in office, but as far as actually having a real, structured plan? Not so much. If I'm being entirely honest, I like Trump is giving his followers a lot of empty promises. So, if you're a Trump supporter, don't get your hopes up too much. There's no telling how much he actually plans to deliver in the "Make America Great Again" department.

2. His Immigration Plan

Immigration is a huge part of Trump's platform. Before I even get started here, I would just like to say that immigration is how America came to be. This great nation was built on the backs of immigrants, who all came here for different reasons. People come to America because it is the land of opportunity, and up until recently, we have all been accepting of that. The base of the Statue of Liberty even has a poem with a line that reads: "'Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'" This is literally asking for people to come. It's promoting America and saying, "Hey! There is opportunity for all who wish to come." This is something that Trump wants to stop. He wants to send back every illegal that's been living in America, as well as keep some future immigrants from coming in. Namely those who are followers of Islam, and Syrian refugees. Becoming a legal citizen is something that can happen after one is already here, and to try to halt immigration, even if it's just for one group of people, is not what America was founded on.

3. He Has No Political Experience

Many of his followers use the fact that he is not a career politician to prove that he is right for America. In my opinion, that just shows why he's wrong for America. Why would you want a leader who has literally no experience in the political world? Donald Trump running for president is the equivalent to an individual who has never played football trying out for an NFL team. It's a funny analogy, but it's accurate! No one could make it in the NFL without any experience, so what makes anyone think that Donald Trump could effectively run a country without any experience? I'm just saying, him not being a career politician is nothing to brag about. It should be something that his supporters try to get everyone to overlook. But hey, I don't like the man anyway so my opinion doesn't really matter.

4. He Has No Filter

I'm all for someone speaking their mind and saying what they feel, but there is a time and a place where such behavior is appropriate. I speak my mind often, but I don't do it when dealing with a difficult customer at work. There is no reason why Donald Trump gets on stage and says such terrible things about women, Muslims, Mexicans, and other groups that he doesn't necessarily like. He even went as far as to suggest that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, be killed! Don't believe me? Here's the link. Some of the things he's said from behind a podium are things that should never be said in general, but they definitely shouldn't be said by someone seeking such a high office, the Office of the President of the United States. I am completely baffled by some of the things he has said, and the fact that he continually gets away with it. He is the most unconventional candidate I have seen in my lifetime, and I can't believe that such a man is in the running to become President.

At the end of the day, these four points do not fully express why I can't support Donald Trump, but they do graze the surface, and they're what I found that I could type out without getting too carried away. Do I like either candidate? No, I don't. However, I find it very hard to like Donald Trump, and I cannot support him in any way. He is not right for this country, and he will only cause a greater divide than we already have, and he will not be able to lead this country to reach our greatest potential.

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