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Want Your Boyfriend To Watch A Chick Flick With You? Try These 18 Movies That Dudes Admit Are Actually Good

If this doesn't make your man cry, I don't know what will.


Get your popcorn out, your snuggle buddy, and your persuading skills ready because every movie night transpires a friendly altercation between you and your S.O. about what movie you will watch. If it's been months of action, science fiction, and drama movies, you may be yearning for a good old romantic comedy. However, guys have this unjustifiable notion that these rom-coms are just for girls.

They don't want the effeminate cooties to rub off on them.

Nevertheless, society's gender stereotypes are simply ludicrous–everyone enjoys a break from life and "chick flicks" is your best bet to do so. I've contacted a few men and coaxed them to admit which romantic comedies they actually enjoy because, news flash, one's masculinity doesn't vanish while nestled up with your lover.

If anything, you become more of a man as your girlfriend places you with higher regard and falls deeper in love with the gentleman who just wants to spend time with her.

"Silver Linings Playbook"


This movie is crazy good. Plus, the Philadelphia Eagles and football plays an essential role.

"The Titanic"


A classic.

"The Last Song"


The best part is Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are actually together.

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall"


This movie will have you and your boyfriend hysterically laughing–make sure not to pee your pants!

"How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days"


I made my boyfriend watch this movie on our second date. He wouldn't let me call him Princess Sophia, though.

SEE ALSO:10 Things "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days" Taught Us

"The Proposal"


A twist on your boss-assistant fantasy.

"Legally Blonde"


Teach him how to bend... and snap!

"Leap Year"


Yes guys, all girls name their suitcases, especially if it's a Louis—Louis Vuitton I mean.

"10 Things I Hate About You"

Pop Sugar

Best line of the film.

 "50 First Dates"

Ok Movie Quotes

Imagine waking up everyday having no recollection of the past.

"Friends With Benefits"


Everyone knows that a friends with benefits agreement never works out as planned.

"Sweet Home Alabama"


"You can take the girl out of the honky tonk, but you can't take the honky tonk out of the girl."

"The Notebook"


If this doesn't make your man cry, I don't know what will.

"The Big Sick"


Based on a true story.

"Just Friends"


True love never fades. Even years later.

"Literally Right Before Aaron"


Would you go to an exe's wedding? I want the best for my ex, but I'm not sure I want to be present for the vows.

"There's Something About Mary"


Each and every character is comically priceless.

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"


An exemplary fusion of a rom-com and action movie. One skilled couple, each an assassin for competing agencies, and both assigned to put an end to the other.

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