From the time we're young, we're taught to "suck it up" or to "be tough" and to not cry. We're taught that crying means we're weak and that it's not cool to show those types of emotions in front of people. We're encouraged to be emotionless in front of other people because showing emotion is embarrassing and it's not right to do in a public manor. To that, I say screw it.
Bring vulnerable is one of the bravest things you can do in today's world. It's one thing to throw hissy fits where others will stop and stare, but expressing yourself - truly expressing yourself - and being open and honest in any situation is always something you should do. It's incredibly brave to stand up to someone and show them the heart on your sleeve. It's incredibly raw to have emotions and to let them see that side of you because in a world where everyone is trying to be anything but themselves, it's a beautiful and brave thing to actually show someone or the whole world who you truly are.
Being vulnerable shows that you're passionate. It's okay to be passionate about a sports team. It's okay to be passionate about an artist or a TV show or any other material thing in this world. Why can't you be passionate in your day to day life? Why not show the world that you're feeling down or are frustrated or are upset? Why not show the world when you're so excited about something in your life that you can't stop smiling and you want to jump and dance around? It's okay to be just as passionate about something in your life and about who you are day to day as it is about some band or movie that people like.
Being vulnerable shows that you're authentic and genuine. If you feel a certain way about something, and if you feel that you need to express yourself, then you should 100% feel confident enough in yourself to do that. It is not something you should ever be embarrassed about because you're being authentically you. It's so hard to be yourself in today's society because people pick apart every single thing they see about another person. They tear other people down in the blink of an eye and there's a stupid standard in society to always be cool. News flash: this life wasn't meant to be lived on autopilot. It wasn't meant to be minimized or downplayed. It was meant to be lived. And in living, your vulnerability speaks volumes to the person that you are.
Don't let anyone tell you that being vulnerable is uncool. Don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't live out your emotions because you should. You should feel comfortable with screaming when you're mad, crying when you're sad, dancing when you're happy, and wearing your heart on your sleeve. The strongest people are the ones who have been vulnerable and truly lived their lives. It's one of the bravest things you can do.
- How to Be Vulnerable to Love - PsychAlive ›
- How Being Vulnerable Can Expand Your World ›
- Vulnerability: The Key to Close Relationships - ›
- How to Be More Vulnerable in Relationships - Growing Self ... ›
- 7 Ways To Let Yourself Become More Vulnerable ›
- 5 Ways Being Vulnerable Can Make You Happier | Shine ›