It's the start of a new semester and a new year, which means New Years resolutions and, of course, preparing for Spring Break. This is the time of year that gyms are packed and people are hardcore dieting. However, everyone knows the inevitable cycle of preparing for Spring Break.
Stage 1: Obsession.
It's the start of a new year and since everyone else is doing the same thing as you, it makes it a lot easier to keep it up. Going to the gym becomes a social event and you may even actually enjoy it for a little while.
Stage 2: Annoyed.
You've cut out water, sweets, Diet Coke, basically everything you once enjoyed in life, so by this time, you're absolutely miserable. And probably not too pleasant to be around.
Stage 3: Bored.
You're over grilled chicken and water and your daily workout. You're in a rut. All you really want is a McDouble and a large fry.
Stage 4: Moderation.
You've gone pretty strong with your exercise and diet regimen so it's time to reward yourself with your favorite treat!
Stage 5: Over-moderation.
Cheat snacks turn into cheat meals that turn into cheat days and cheat weeks. But you're still going to the gym, so that cancels it out... Right?
Stage 6: Slacking off.
You're probably really sore by now and over the gym, so you've stopped going as much. You might even eat really well one day so you don't have to slave away on the elliptical.
Stage 7: Over it.
By now, you're over the gym, you're over your diet, and you just want to stuff your face with Taco that's exactly what you do.
Stage 8: Freak out.
You realize Spring Break isn't two months away anymore, it's in two weeks. So you go back to your diet and start hitting the gym twice a week. Which, when you think about it, is like studying the night before a test... It never really seems to work out like you hoped.
Stage 9: Give up.
You realize there's no point and that everyone else is in the same boat as you. Besides, you're gonna have a blast at the beach with your friends.
So if you decide to break your diet, just know you're not alone. Besides, sometimes nothing tastes better than Taco Bell. And if you've stuck with your resolution, good for you! Treat yourself, because you've earned it.