8 Lessons Kimmy Schmidt Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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8 Lessons Kimmy Schmidt Taught Me

Take it from her, she's unbreakable

8 Lessons Kimmy Schmidt Taught Me

Netflix original "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" created by Tina Fey offers laughs along with many, many life lessons. Here are eight to name a few.

1. You can handle anything for 10 seconds at a time.

Kimmy used this technique to survive in a bunker for 15 years. So, next time finals have you down, you are stressed, or just feeling sad take life ten seconds at a time, and if you can handle that you can handle anything.

2. Positive thinking is key.

Trapped in a bunker for 15 years? Left in New York City without a job or a home? With just a little positivity, Kimmy was able to manage this trauma and carry on finding friends and happiness. If you just let yourself maintain a positive attitude at the face of adversity perhaps everything will work out, and even if it doesn't the adversity will not last forever.

3. Enjoy your innocence.

Kimmy missed out on her childhood and views the world with a sense of wonder through all that she's missed. This childlike innocence is not all bad but can be something to be desired, so we won't take for granted the simple things in life.

4. Have your own unique style.

Kimmy wears light up sketchers, carries a purple Jansport, and is often called a Christmas elf. It is OK to stand out and be different with your style as long as it is uniquely yours.

5. Be resourceful.

Use what you can, with what you have, where you are. If you are able to be adaptable and take on new challenges with a flexible attitude then obstacles will be less difficult, and less likely to deter you. Take it from Kimmy who made a scarf out of human hair for a holiday gift while in the bunker, anything is possible with a little resourcefulness.

6. Everyone loves a good catchphrase.

"Hashbrown no filter."

"I'm a stranger danger ranger."

"We're not garbage, were human beings."

Just to name a few, Kimmy has copious amounts of catchphrases that are hilarious as well as poignant.

7. Smile until you feel better (Kimmying).

Another way of saying "fake it until you make it." It is a scientific fact that simply using the muscles around your face to smile, even when you aren't actually happy can drastically improve your mood. Thus, with just the simple act of a smile you can turn your day around.

8. Females are strong as hell!

If the theme song to this show featuring these words doesn't empower you, I don't know what will. Kimmy's strength in times of strife reveal that women truly are adaptable and powerful in the presence of challenges. We are truly strong as hell!

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