55 Things We Miss About Camp
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55 Things We Miss About Camp

Can I go back to 2007 now?

55 Things We Miss About Camp

1. Rainy day schedule.

2. Color war.

3. Trying to find out which counselors are hooking up.

4. Canteen.

5. Going to the nurse solely for ice pops.

6. Fake out and break out.

7. Being in the oldest division at camp, thus getting more “privileges.”

8. Inter-camp sports leagues and the rivalries that come with them.

9. Constantly wanting to go to arts and crafts instead of every other scheduled activity.

10. The countdown until visiting day.

11. All the food you get and eat the night of visiting day.

12. Praying there will be grilled cheese for dinner.

13. The fake cereal company that fed you for eight summers.

Marshmallow Matey's were good, though.

14. Friday Shabbat dinners.

15. The entire dining hall going nuts to that one song.

"Livin on a Prayer," "Lip Gloss," etc.

16. Alma Maters from 2006 that you can still sing and get teary-eyed to.

17. Being in a bubble for two months with zero communication with the outside world, except for snail mail.

18. "Watermelon, cantaloupe, come on baby burn (or pull) that rope."

19. Feeling sneaky when you get away with Sharpie-ing your name onto your bed.

20. Always making sure you and your best friend are sharing a bunk bed for the summer.

No one gets your habits like they do.

21. Getting home from camp with clothing that is definitely not your own.

22. Shower hour.

23. That magician/hypnotist that came and did the exact same show every summer.

24. Having huge crushes on the international counselors.

Specifically the Australian and British ones.

25. Longing for a "staff" shirt until the day you actually get one.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

26. Struggling to get out of bed for flag pole.

27. Failing bunk inspections day after day, but still getting a pizza party.

28. Golf cart rides around the camp grounds.

29. The intensity of a gaga tourney.

30. The bunk debate of playing newcomb vs. real volleyball.

31. Praying you'll be a captain for either Olympics or Color War.

Or both.

32. Hershey Park and weirdly thinking ten year old you may get a kiss on the Kissing Tower.

33. Being in the "low level rider" group for Dorney, but being proud.

Weenie group forever!

34. When someone got kicked out of camp and insane rumors spread for two months.

35. Being in the middle of nowhere, with the closest thing being some shack of a Chinese restaurant.

36. Sing.

37. Bunk points.

38. The terrible camp plays.

And starring in those terrible camp plays.

39. Evening activities.

40. String bracelets.

41. Filling up your entire arm with those string bracelets.

42. Pudding wrestling.

43. Being extremely afraid of the lake.

44. Silent meals during Color War.

45. Those inflatables on the lake.

Conquering the iceberg was a big deal.

46. Chore wheels meaning something for, like, the first two days of camp.

47. The "carnival" marriage booth.

48. Celebrating someone in the bunk’s summer birthday as if it was your own.

49. Camp apparel.

50. Wishing you could be in the circus show.

51. Fourth of July fireworks.

52. Instead of playing real soccer, just playing head-catch.

53. The camp doctors being all of your friends’ parents.

54. Always saying, "We live 10 months for two."

55. Counting down the days until you'll be back for the next summer of your life and hoping it will never end.

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