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25 Things I Want My Younger Cousins To Know

A little advice for my original best friends

Bailey Totten

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I've known you your entire life. More than likely I held you in the first three days of it and at least one of us cried. Cousins are truly one of the best things in the world and while sometimes I complain about how many people crowd Grandma's living room on Christmas Eve, I wouldn't trade you all anything.

You are my best friends, the only people who can understand what it's like on Thanksgiving, and you are the spunkiest people I have ever met. But you as so so young, most of you are just now starting your adventures in the public education system. I mean, I'm so very young too. I'm not married, I don't have children, heck, I just started my adult life, but I do want to give you what little advice I have. My dears, these are the things I want you to know.

You are young

Like I said earlier, you are young and you have so much in front of you. It's okay to make mistakes, and be a kid, and get your hands messy. Take advantage of your youth and realize because you are young you don't have to have it all figured out right now, when you're 18, or ever.

You will be scared

With so much of your life and so many decisions in front of you, there will be things that scare you. Getting called on for an answer when you weren't paying attention, your eighth-grade vaccinations, walking into the hospital after someone you love had a heart attack, and going off to college, to name a few, will make you think it's easier to run and hide under the sheets.

But be brave

No matter how much of a 'Big Kid' you are, some days you're going to have to dig really deep to find your bravery. I would be lying to you if I told you that this entire summer--the summer before I start college-- didn't involve me having to carry my bravery with me every day. It's okay that you're scared, but don't let your fear determine how you live your life. Let your bravery (as minuscule as it might feel) be bigger than your fears.

You are your own person

There will be thousands of people who will tell you how you should live your life, but at the end of the day, it's yours.

Take Chances

There will be opportunities that will change your life forever as long as you're willing to take the chance. The best endings have the riskiest beginnings; don't let your life pass you by because you are afraid to take the leap.

When you get the chance, play.

Right now I know playing is a part of your daily life, but it won't be forever. The older you get the more responsibilities and technology will take forever. That's okay and completely natural, just make sure when you're given the chance, run around barefooted for hours and play with your cousins.

Listen to your parents

I know, I know. That is literally the lamest and most stereotypical thing I could have ever said. I probably just lost the status of your favorite cousin, but as the big kid I am I've never regretted listening to my parents and every life lesson they offer.

God First

It won't be easy, but putting Him first is the most important thing you will ever do.

Family second

Friends come and go, but family is here forever. You will never look back at your high school years and regret spending the day helping your grandparents instead of going to the popular girl's party.

Everything else comes after

School, friends, and jobs are important, but never as important as God and Family.

The opposite sex doesn't matter

Yes, they are going to break your heart, but don't let them break your spirit. Also, you will have your entire adult life to worry about dating, don't throw away your teenage years chasing after 'The One'.

Life moves fast

I graduated high school last May and I'm asking myself how that happened. Enjoy every second and every stage. Never take a moment for granted and don't rush anything. You're exactly where you're supposed to be.

Put money into your savings account

Yeah, you might not be able to buy that new computer game, but your 18 year old self will thank you for it.

Study hard

It might not be cool to study the week before your big test, but more opportunities will be opened by good grades than by cool stories.

Just remember your life isn't made up of numbers

No matter where that number is coming from: the grade book, the scale, or the dollar amount in your bank account you're so much more.

Learn how to shake hands

Shaking hands is the foundation of introductions, business building, and promise making. Make sure your foundation is a sturdy one.

Things will fall apart

Not everything is going to go as planned. There will be some points in your life everything falls apart whether that be when you're trying to figure out what to do after graduation, when someone passes away, when you don't make the team, or when your dad loses his job.

But almost every time it's better in the long run

The best changes and the most rewarding opportunities happen when life doesn't go as planned.

Choose kind over cool

No one ever remembers the cool kid. You will never regret being kind.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

The benefits of staying hydrated are insane. Drinking water will solve roughly 97 percent of your problems.

Have a hobby outside of your phone

Yeah, scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest is a great boredom killer, but it's not a hobby. Do magic, learn an instrument, or read a book. Not only do hobbies engage your brain, but you'll be genuinely happy when you do them.

Take care of your skin

Sunscreen, wash, moisturize, exfoliate, tone, and moisturize again.

Always put your name on the cover of your books

One of the best parts of having actual paper books is being able to loan them out to your friends. Loaning a book is like showing the reader a piece of who you are. Just make sure to clearly mark that they're yours or you might never see them again.

Take care of your teeth

Brush at least twice a day for two minutes a day and your pearly whites will look good and you won't have to occupy the dentist's office every six months.

I'm always here

I'm just a phone call, text message, or short drive away. A thousand miles, next door, or somewhere in between, I promise to be there for every girl/boy problem, family event, and fight with your sister.

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