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Health and Wellness

20 Struggles Of Having A Weak Immune System

Cough drops and tissues and naps, oh my!


If I had a dollar for every time I've gotten a cold or some type of viral infection, I'd be swimming in money. Instead, I'm swimming in the tears I shed each time I sneeze. Here are 20 struggles of having a weak immune system:

1. Taking vitamin C supplements like candy.

You know you have a problem when you actually start to like the taste of vitamin C gummies.

2. The feeling of a stuffy nose.

Every single time I have a hard time sleeping because of congestion, I always think about how we take it for granted when our noses aren't stuffy.

3. All. The. Tissues.


You can be the cleanest person in the world but the sight of tissues all over your bed, couch, nightstand, or desk will always make you look untidy.

4. Turning into a literal drugstore.

I'm the apothecary of my friend group because I carry around so many pills at all times; you name the medicine, I probably have it in my purse.

5. Always looking like you’re on the verge of tears.

I promise my eyes only look like this because I'm under the weather-- no need to worry about me!

6. Not being able to hear anything.


You'll be sure to annoy people by asking them to repeat themselves after every single thing they say.

7. The very real duality of a nasal cleanse.

The seriously uncomfortable (and sometimes painful) sensation of shooting a mixture of water and saline through your sinuses is the price to pay for finally being able to breathe via your nose again.

8. Sleeping the day away.


As a nap queen myself, I love a good midday snooze. But being a prisoner to your bed because you can't get up is far from fun.

9. Food hits different.

It's not even like you can eat your favorite food to cheer you up, because you probably won't be able to taste it anyway.

10. Not having an appetite.


Even if you could taste food, it's not like you have much of an appetite anyway.

11. Taking a break from the gym.

Feeling weak and tired means taking time off from working out. (Not going to lie, this is probably my least favorite thing about my weak immune system.)

12. Looking like a zombie.


Now casting for the newest episode of "The Walking Dead"!

13. Smudging your makeup.

It's impossible to blow your nose without wiping off the makeup between your upper lip and your nostrils.

14. The sound of sniffles 

Sniffling while having a runny or congested nose is definitely not the greatest sound in the world. I hate having to sit in class and subject the rest of my peers to that unnerving sound.

15. Being quarantined.


We've all been that one friend in the group whom everyone keeps ten feet away from because they don't want to catch whatever you have.

16. Living with the windows open.

The last thing you want to do when you're sick is spending your days in an enclosed room, breathing in the same trapped air you're coughing into.

17. Missing class.


I love it when my attendance grade has to suffer because of how weak my immune system is!

18. Being a slave to soap and water.

Hand sanitizer just doesn't cut it sometimes.

19. Living in the shower.


Taking a nice, long, hot shower at night is one of my favorite things ever. But, having to take showers all the time to alleviate your sinuses and to wash off the germs from your body is different.

20. The apologies.


So people don't wonder why I sound like a raspy mess or look like I haven't slept in days, I always have to preface what I'm saying with, "Sorry, I have a cold".

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