It is both exhilarating and overwhelming to think that in about three years, I will be a part of the real world, along with many of my friends and acquaintances.
It seems like just yesterday, I was a nervous 14-year-old getting ready for my first day of high school, a 16-year-old prepping for the ACT and looking at colleges, and a 17-year-old making my college decision. The first year of college is almost over for the class of 2020, and if that doesn't equally terrify and invigorate you, I don't know what will.
Maybe you aren't a part of the class of 2020, and you're reading this. If you aren't, I encourage you to keep reading because it is both never too early and never too late to set goals and be who you want to be.
1. Actually do what you love
You might not have found your passion or found what you love yet, and that's okay. But seek it out; don't just wait for it to show up in your life. If you do, you'll never find it. Try new things, and find what excites you the most. If you're going to be doing something for the rest of your life, you need to love it.
2. Travel as much as you can
You may not have as much money to travel now as you will in the future, but you will never be as capable of packing up your things and traveling as you are right now, when you aren't committed to a full-time job and you don't have children to worry about. Sure, you can travel later on, but traveling now will enable you to learn how to travel on a budget in the future and will allow you to truly experience the places you want to go.
3. Always stand up for yourself
You may be someone like myself who is a hardcore people pleaser and has a hard time saying no. It is so important for us to learn how to stand up for ourselves now because if we don't, it will carry over into our life in the future, where people are even more likely to take advantage of you.
4. Study to learn, not to memorize
I know it's hard to study in a way that helps you learn the material, especially in a generation that's used to cramming for short term memorization. We have the awesome opportunity to be fed all of this knowledge for our future, so soak it up and sink it in.
5. Stay true to you
Whoever you are, do not change for another group of people. If they can't accept you for who you really are, they aren't meant to be in your life. Let the people in your life help you grow to be better, not change to be worse. Don't lose sight of who you are because once you do, it's hard going back.
6. Read, read, read
Read articles online. Read a fiction book. Read a textbook. Read the newspaper. Read poetry. Just read something. Reading opens up doors to new perspectives and expands your ability to comprehend a variety of situations, no matter what it is that you're reading.
7. Develop routines
Whether it's a sleep routine, health routine, fitness routine, morning routine, or night routine, create one now so you'll always have something in your life that remains consistent.
8. Cherish family time
You've probably already figured this one out, but never forget about it. Never take a second for granted, and appreciate time you have with the people who will always love you since pretty soon it won't be very easy to see them as often as you'd like.
9. Evaluate friendships and find real friends
A friend should root for you and your happiness but should know when to intervene if something isn't going right. A friend is supportive, honest, caring, and loyal, despite the circumstances. A friend is not a status. Find people who you can confide in at any time and people who can confide in you.
10. Save money
It's tough to save money in college, especially if it's something that is always creeping towards empty for you. Find ways to make money if you don't have a job, and always save as much as you can.
11. Let go of the past
It can be hard to let go of things from the past that seems oh-so-present in your life now. However, it cannot be changed. What can change is how you look at it and how you let it affect your future. Don't let the past hold you back from anything or anyone.
12. Chase your dreams
Don't let anyone or anything stop you from chasing your dreams. You don't want to spend the rest of your life regretting what you should have or could have done.
13. Take and give advice
Listen to those who are older or more experienced than you. Nine times out of ten they know what they're talking about. Use what you've learned and know to help those who will be stepping into shoes like yours.
14. Take tons of pictures
Document the places you've been, the things you do, and the people you see. Reflection is important for growth and is always fun when looking back.
15. Not everyone will like you
You cannot live your life pleasing everyone. There will always be someone who doesn't like the way you do things or doesn't like you in general. Look past it, and move on.
16. Don't think of alone time as a bad thing
Take advantage of the time you have by yourself to do things you love and to better yourself. Days or nights alone may seem like a bad thing, but there will come a time when we wish we had more alone time.
17. Don't compare yourself to others
Your journey is unique and unlike anyone else's. You're doing nothing but hurting yourself if you constantly compare your progress and who you are to someone you aren't.
18. Learn from mistakes
You're going to say yes to the wrong people or the wrong thing, and you're going to say no to the wrong people or wrong thing. We have to use our mistakes as lessons learned so that we don't keep tripping up over the same stuff throughout life.
19. Embrace change
Consistency is comforting, but there is hardly ever growth when everything is held constant. Open your arms to opportunities, even if they are outside of your comfort zone, and grow into who you're made to be.
20. Always be thankful, and seek out God
There is always something in life to be thankful for, no matter how tough times may get. Each day is a blessing. Seek out God through this crazy whirlwind of a stage in life, and let Him guide you every step of the way.
Be the ones who decided to go for it.