15 Tips To Lose Weight This Summer
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15 Tips To Lose Weight This Summer

Think losing weight is difficult? Follow these tips and lose weight without even noticing.

15 Tips To Lose Weight This Summer

1. Specify your goals.

Goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) are more effective than to “get fit." Be more specific. Lose weight? How much? By when? Why? Write it down somewhere where you will see it often.

2. Make exercising a habit.

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. It may be good to set goals like “run most days of the week" instead of “run every day" to avoid feeling like a total failure if one day is missed. Others succeed with trying something for an extended period of time, like running for 21 days in a row, which could help to get someone over the beginner's discomfort.

3. Drink up.

Urine should be clear to a light yellow lemonade shade, never dark apple juice colored. Eight cups of liquid per day is recommended to stay properly hydrated but many people fall short. Try to drink one to two cups of water prior to each eating occasion. This will help you stay hydrated and curb cravings. Quenching thirst is a great idea before meals because thirst signals are often confused with hunger signals.

4. Control the snack attack.

When we get hangry, it is difficult to eat slowly and recognize our true hunger and satiety cues. So, if you are hungry and you still have an hour or so before your next meal, it may be a good idea to go for a 100-300 calorie snack.

5. Order smart.

Smaller, more plants, less fat. Minimize ordering fried and large items.

6. Put dressing on the side.

Lots of fat in dressings, asking for it on the side is a good way to control how much you're consuming.

7. Boil, steam, or bake it.

DO NOT FRY. Less extra fat from frying equals less empty calories consumed. If you are going to fry, be sure to use plant based oils instead of animal fat, like butter.

8. Keep a food diary.

Keep track of what you eat and how it makes you feel after. 20 minutes after the eating occasion, do you feel like you need to take a nap? Or do you feel re-energized like your body really needed what you just ate?

9. Chew more and savor your food.

Slow down, enjoy, and you may be surprised by the quantity of food that satisfies you.

10. Eat whole foods.

Packaged products are designed to stimulate senses to increase the chances of you eating more, wanting more, and buying more. Don't fall for that trap and avoid salty, fatty, and sugary food items. Whole foods with unprocessed ingredients are much more satisfying.

11. Eat your veggies, fruits and grains.

Make sure most of the meal is coming from plant sources like vegetables and whole grains.

12. Sneak some fitness in where you can.

I like doing a wall sit while I brush my teeth. Maybe try parking far so you can walk more? Take the stairs instead of the elevator? Every bit helps.

13. Have a plan.

Write down the night before what you plan to eat the following day with a timetable. Crazy starvation all day and binging at night will not help with weight loss or long-term health. If you're super organized, maybe meal-plan for the whole week.

14. Have a list of alternatives.

Painting my nails, watching TV, and flipping through Pinterest are all mindless activities that I like to do when I could eat, but I am not hungry. Make a list of things that you can do when you just feel like eating to avoid mindless eating.

15. Combat the peer pressure.

It is easy to join the party and order fries, another drink, or go grab froyo just to spend time with people. Be mindful and try decreasing intake. If you usually go out and get a large fry, get a small. Or, just get fewer toppings on your froyo than usual. It isn't necessary to cut out socializing altogether, just don't let peer pressure keep you from accomplishing your goals.

Beyond weight loss, you are beautiful right now. Happiness begins and ends with the thoughts in our heads, so be sure to make them positive ones.

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