Everyone has their lazy moments but some people, myself included, seem to have hit a level of laziness where we won't leave our beds if we don't have to, and we most certainly won't go Safeway, no matter how urgently we need to. Here's a list of some things we have at least contemplated buying from Amazon. (Shout out to mom and dad for letting me use their prime account!)
1. Face Wash.
When I eventually choose to leave my bed, my face needs to not be covered in grime.
2. Detergent
Maybe if I can clean my clothes, I'll go out more...
3. Tampons
If you're an organized lazy person you might buy these before they're needed.
4. Pencils
5. Mac and Cheese
6. Cereal
The perfect snack for when you're binge watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt instead of writing that one essay.
7. Benadryl
It's allergy season y'all. Go ahead and get some tissues while you're at it.
8. Toothbrushes
Definitely buy in bulk if your bathroom cubby is right above the trash can and your toothbrushes have a tendency to fall into said trash can.
9. Oreos
*Wiggles eyebrows* *whispers* Red Velvet.
10. Shampoo / Conditioner
Maybe get the minty kind that will make your head feel tingly?
11. Mints / Gum
To keep your breath smellin' fine between your cups of coffee.
12. Some Dignity...
"Sorry, this item is out of stock."