The 11 Best Nutrition Tips That Will Change The Way You Diet
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The 11 Best Nutrition Tips That Will Change The Way You Diet

Move over, fad diets; the only tricks we need here are these eleven tips for a healthier lifestyle.

The 11 Best Nutrition Tips That Will Change The Way You Diet

Spring Break may have ended, but your Instagram feed will continue to cloud your vision with bikini-clad memories of what was. Maybe you spent the week off at home with your dog, or you even got stuck shoveling snow, but this has all left you with an exciting yet grim realization: summer is near. To some lucky souls, it will be the greatest time of year, while others like us are left hating ourselves for not following up on those New Year resolutions.

It isn’t time to cry about it, though. Instead, we can start making some positive changes to our diet that our bodies will thank us for later. So many nonsense fad-diets promise crazy results with cheap tricks, but at the end of the day, you just want to be healthy; this means eating the right portions, eating the good stuff, and no—not starving yourself. Here’s a collection of some tips that have helped me a ton, and I hope they do you justice as well!

1. Put Away Your Leftovers Before You Eat

The best way to stop yourself from going back for leftovers you don’t need is to put them in the fridge before you even take a bite. You’re much less likely to dig back in there, unpack the food, and reheat it, no matter how bad you want it!

2. Stop Random Snacking

A bite of an oreo here, or a lick of frosting there may seem harmless, but how often do you do that during a day? Stick to only eating five to six meals a day, and don’t snack in between! If you really are that hungry, try some celery to hold you over!

3. Drink Lots of Water

Water is the absolute best for you; so good, your body is practically made of it! Staying hydrated is really hard, but it’s important. I carry a 32-oz. refillable water bottle (like this one above) everywhere I go, and refill it every time I see a fountain. It’s super convenient, and it’s ten times harder to forget when it is always with you.

4. Try a New Veggie or Fruit Every Day

If you don’t already include a lot of veggies and fruits in your diet, now is the time to start. I’m super picky about what I eat, so I try something new everyday until I find ones I like, then I start eating the favorites more often. What’s the worst that happens? You throw out half a banana?

5. Cut the Crap—Soda, Juice, and everything else

Have you ever stopped to actually read the ingredients on your favorite soda or fruit juice? Probably not, or you wouldn’t be drinking them to start. There’s only one liquid your body needs, and that’s water. When I want to change it up, I drink black tea or coffee. You can always sweeten with fruit too! My favorite combination lately is green tea, lime, and mint leaves—so refreshing!

6. Become the Pinterest Recipe Queen

Pinterest is good for many things, and healthy eating is one of them! I have boards on board on boards with different recipes to try whenever I need something new; this is where I get my zucchini chip ideas, breakfast yogurt recipes, and fruit-water combo tips.

7. Plan Your Meals Early On

Have a game plan when you go grocery shopping, but cook early on too! I spend my Sundays precooking chicken cutlets in a variety of seasonings, then chopping them up and portioning them out into smaller Ziploc bags to freeze. When I get home from work, I can throw one of those into the microwave, and mix it with some salad for a more nutritious meal. Just as easy as microwavable pizza, ten times better for me.

8. No More Processed Foods

This is just like with the sodas! If you don’t recognize the ingredients, why do you want to eat it? When you are craving that Big Mac or a donut, remember this: you are what you eat. Why would you want to be fast, cheap, or easy?

9. Find a Favorite Cheat Meal

For me, it’s always bite of dark chocolate, or sometimes melting it to dip strawberries in. Whatever your cheat is, make sure it’s not the worst for you, and don’t indulge too much. This is good for those days when you don’t think you can keep doing it, and just one bite of something yummy can keep you going.

10. Get a Buddy to Join You

No matter who you are, making big changes to your diet can be really hard. Having a good friend, parent, or even your sibling by your side, making the same tough choices as you every day can make it that much easier. It also gives you someone to split that slice of cheesecake with when you can’t stop yourself!

11. Remember: One Bad Day Won’t Define the Next

This is the most important rule, and always the most easily forgotten: just because you ate really bad one night (you indulged in a much bigger portion than you should have at the Olive Garden, or you drank much more at the bar than you planned) don’t let that define tomorrow. Know that it was just one day, and they don’t all have to be like that. Forgive yourself, then keep moving forward.

It can take the body anywhere from 3-8 weeks to form a habit; do you suppose it’s just coincidence we have that long until finals? Summer will be here before you know it, and what better way to kick off bikini season than with a new, healthy diet. You will feel so much more comfortable in your skin, and you’ll have so many new recipes to try over the break!

Rather than waiting for the “right time” or continuously starting over because you can’t stick to the crazy fad-diets, challenge yourself to a new plan. These tips will coach you through the hard parts, and hopefully help mold a new habit you didn’t think you were capable of before.

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