100 Happy Things That Won't Change Now That Trump Is President
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100 Happy Things That Won't Change Now That Trump Is President

Aspects of life that don't need to be made great again

100 Happy Things That Won't Change Now That Trump Is President

I have heard many people speak about their concern, disdain and sadness for the United States after Donald Trump was elected president this past week. While feelings of disappointment and even fear are warranted, life is still moving on! If you're caught in a rut because of the election results and don't see much hope in the next four years, here are 100 good things that won't be taken away just because the president of the United States is not your favorite person. Cherish them.

1. Animals being friends

    2. Macaroni and Cheese

    3. Road Trips

    4. When the public bathroom has paper towels instead of a hand dryer

    5. Good smelling soap

    6. Clearance Sales

    7. Eating the first freshly baked cookie even though it's too hot

      8. Fuzzy socks

      9. Thanksgiving Dinners

      10. Waiters and waitresses who bring refills without asking

      11. Sweatpants

        12. Wearing clothes fresh out of the dryer

        13. Vacations

        14. Being the first person in a movie theater and getting to pick the best seats

        15. Your bed

        16. Lemonade stands

        17. Perfect parallel parking on the first try

          18. Snow days

          19. Netflix

            20.Having your hand out the window of a car

            21. Handwritten letters

            22. Paying for something with exact change

            23. S'mores

            24.The smell of the coffee aisle at the grocery store

            25. Strangers who smile at you

            26. Bubble wrap

              27. Pillow forts

              28. Remembering what movie that guy is from

              29. Viral videos of people falling

                30. Pushing those little buttons on your soft drink cup lid

                31. Cheesy 80's movies

                32. Eating the extra fries at the bottom of the bag

                33. Fireworks

                34. Dangling your feet in water

                35. The parking lot pull through

                36. Laughing until you cry

                37. Crying until you laugh

                38. Shoving handfuls of popcorn into your mouth and spilling it everywhere

                  39. The smell of bacon

                  40. Looking at how much dirt came off of something you just cleaned

                  41. A really good hug

                    42. Leftovers

                    43. Photobombing

                      44. Getting your phone to the charger before it dies

                      45. Giving someone a really good gift

                      46. Crunching fall leaves while you walk

                      47. Peeling that thin plastic film off new electronics

                      48. When the hiccups stop

                      49. Stupid questions on Yahoo! answers

                      50. Singing in the car

                      51. Things with pockets

                      52. Walking on grass with bare feet

                      53. Those sayings that your grandpa says that make no sense

                      54. Compliments

                      55. A home cooked meal

                      56. Free samples

                        57. The one person that laughs when you tell a really bad joke

                        58. When you're in the fastest moving lane in a traffic jam

                        59. Staying in your pajamas all day

                        60. Listening to couples tell you how they met

                        61. When you get to the point of a relationship where silence is comfortable

                        62. Do Nothing Days

                          63. When the social event that you didn't want to go to gets cancelled

                          64. Staying up so late that everything becomes funny

                          65. Blaming your fart on the dog

                          66. Kids who dress themselves

                            67. Making it through puberty

                            68. When your crush likes your selfie

                            69. Sliced bread

                            70. Care packages

                            71. Showing old people how to do something on a computer

                            72. Coffee

                            73. When you hit the point in a book when you can't stop reading

                            74. Music

                            75. Licking the spoon while baking

                            76. Making a baby laugh

                              77. Eating a taco without anything falling out

                              78. Second chances

                              79. When insects are struggling to do something so you help them

                              80. Old people pants

                              81. When the meeting ends early

                              82. The look on someone's face when they realize they're on the big screen at the game

                              83. Free Wi-Fi

                              84. The middle of a cinnamon roll

                              85. Christmas morning

                              86. Being the oldest grade in school

                              87. Blankets

                              88. The last day of school

                              89. Oxygen

                              90. Babies or animals in costumes

                                91. Petting zoos

                                92. Really good beards

                                93. Crossing the last thing off of your to do list

                                94. Guilty pleasure songs

                                95. When cats do stupid things

                                  96. Creativity

                                  97. Waking up to the sun shining

                                  98. The thank you wave when you let someone merge in front of you

                                  99. Late night conversations with your best friend

                                  100. Knowing the difference between being alive and just living

                                  Remember these little things when Trump brings you down and hopefully everything will be okay.

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