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The 5 Worst Football Fan Bases, As Told By A Server At A Sports Bar

Spoiler alert, they all suck.

The 5 Worst Football Fan Bases, As Told By A Server At A Sports Bar

Nothing is worse than working at a sports bar: the noise, the drunk people, the sports. But by far the worst part are the sports fans. They're obnoxious, loud, rude, and they unsurprisingly don't tip. But among these horrible sports fans are the worst of the worst, the fan bases are known across the board for being the biggest jack asses of them all, as known industry-wide by the servers and bartenders who have to put up with them.

Ask any server and they'll agree that these five fan bases are the worst of them all.

5.  UCF Knights.


Yes, even our beloved UCF Knights. As Orlando's hometown team, you'd think our local fan base would be less of an asshole to service industry people. But alas. Nothing is worse than waiting on a table of college-aged jerk faces who get trashed and yell "UCF KNIGHTS" in your ear all night.

4.  New Orleans Saints.


I can't even write this without cringing at the thought of the "WHO DAT" chant. Let's face it, Saints fans aren't even literate enough to have a chant that makes sense, let alone be decent to their servers. Saints are somehow even more obnoxious than UCF fans yet get the most butthurt when their team loses, again.

3.  Dallas Cowboys.


Ah, you already knew the Cowboys would make the list. Cowboy fans may not be known for their loud obnoxiousness, but anyone who's ever waited on a Cowboys fans knows how fricken arrogant they are. It's a quiet, subdued arrogance that makes you want to spit in their food and punch them in the face. And you can't even hold on to the hope that they might tip well, because they never do. And deep down we all know that.

2. New England Patriots.


Oh the Patriots. We all hate you guys almost as much as everyone hates Tom Brady. Let me just say, Patriot fans are the punchline to almost every joke we have in the service industry. And almost every team from the Northeast is just as bad. Maybe it's the accents and the general haughtiness of northern assholes, but Patriot fans are pretty much unbearable. I'd rather wait on a table of tweens than any number of Patriots fans, and that's saying something.

1.  Philadelphia Eagles.


Let me just start by saying that Eagle fans were just as obnoxious before they won the Super Bowl. And winning the Super Bowl last year just made them ten times worse. Maybe it's just Philadelphia culture, but Eagles fans get TRASHED and they get MEAN. They're selfish, prideful, arrogant, and rude. And they think they're the shit. They'll camp out in your section for hours and leave chump change for their tip. And if I have to hear the "Fly, Eagles, Fly" anthem one more time, I will probably gouge my ears off. Just watch the game from home, Eagles fans.

If you claim to be a part of any of these five fan bases, you are welcome to stay far, far away from my bar. Unless you plan to keep your head on next time your team plays, which it seems like no one is capable of doing when watching a game in public. And at least if you're going to show out in public, please, please tip your servers and bartenders accordingly. No one likes having to babysit a bunch of adults who lose their mind over an overrated game of catch.

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