“Play Nice”
It’s amazing how just two simple words can impact all of your actions. Every day growing up, when I went to leave the house, whether it be for school, work or just simply to go see friends, my mother would say “play nice.” Still, to this day, I get told that when going anywhere and sometimes even when we're on the phone. It evolved from her telling me to play nice with my friends. Now it means even more than that. It means to just be kind to others at all times, and reflect on it. After hearing this phrase for 15 years at least, it has become a part of my life.
Holding a door open for someone.
Picking up something another person dropped when they have their hands full.
Smiling at another as you walk down the street.
Telling a friend they look nice.
These are all just simple nice things, but they are things that make a difference. They can improve a person’s day drastically, and what did it take from you? Nothing. Often, that is what being kind to one another requires from you. Most times, it doesn't require a lot, if anything. Yet, to the other person it means a lot and could have improved their day.
You never know really how another person is feeling inside, so yes something that simple can change their day. It's something unexpected often when another is struggling that can improve their mood entirely.
In today’s world, we are all trying to do as much as possible, as fast as possible. Efficiency. But in being efficient do we lose another important aspect of life? We don’t have time to wait for another to hold that door. Why pick up that paper when you’re rushing to work? A smile would distract you from your focused walk down the street. Stopping to complement a friend would take you away from completing your homework. When I am out and about rushing around I try to remember that others might be rushing too, but for a more serious reason. I try to push myself to remember, even if I am in a rush, I have an extra few seconds to hold this door, or I can stop to help another because you always can.
There’s always something else you can be doing, but is that the right thing? Do those two seconds matter that much? We are too caught up in bettering ourselves and achieving crazy goals that we can’t take the time to really think of what we should be doing.
Try to remember, even on your craziest day to be kind to those who are around you. Often, you will get kindness back. If you can start that circle, I can assure you that you will be happier. You will smile more. And, you will feel good about it.
Next time you leave the house, play nice. Be kind, share a little bit of love with another. You will also see a major change of how this reflects upon your mood.