Many of us are constantly looking for ways to define ourselves. Whether it be through Meyer Brigg’s, our daily horoscope reports on Twitter, or even the “Which Animal Are You?” quizzes we love to frequent on Facebook, we are always searching for identification- for validation. And, as many of us “personality seekers” know, one of the easiest ways to classify a person is by the oldest “Yin and Yang” known to man -- Introvert vs. Extrovert.
However, introverts seem to constantly gain all of the love. Always. Introverts are perceived as the epitome of intelligence, refinement, poise and a lone, artsy soul that sees beauty in everything. This isn’t to suggest that an introvert can’t be any of those things.
Instead, this is for the extroverts. The ones who are constantly pegged as shallow, obnoxious, dumb and too self-involved -- the ones who don’t see Facebook photos in beautiful fonts professing the many great qualities of an extrovert.
Because extroverts deserve to feel validation, and these are some of the qualities we should be placing our focus.
1. The ability to walk into a room and immediately find a friend.
Easily, this can be seen as one of the biggest perks of being an extrovert. You might fret before getting to that party or that first day of class, but once you’re there it’s like nerves never existed. Because, hey! You know them! And that person -- and also that one. And that one…. Etc.
2. The gift of making everyone feel included
One of the worst feelings in the world, to introverts and extroverts alike, is to be halfway through telling a story before realizing that your group isn’t listening. You can always trust the extrovert to nod at you and say, “Keep going, I’m listening!” They might love talking, and they might thrive in groups of people-- but extroverts first and foremost want everyone else to have just as much fun as they do!
3. A knack for finding the right words
Even the extroverts who might not profess to be well-read have this skill. They are quick to pick up the trailing of another person’s words and to gladly hand you the words on the tip of your tongue. They can paint the picture with their communication skills faster than Van Gogh did Starry Night.
4. “Work Hard, Party Hard” is probably your life motto.
And let’s admit it. Extroverts try to do everything, and there just isn’t enough time in the day to have a stable, demanding job and to party the night away with their friends-- but they do it anyways. To an extrovert, you just aren’t living life to the fullest if you aren’t dragging yourself to work the next morning with your Instagram flooding your notifications feed. Their energy will forever be endless. (Until Monday, of course, but that’s regardless of the kind of person you are).
5. You have no problem being the Pizza Friend.
Pizza Friend: n. The designated member of a group of individuals that must call in the food order at the local pizza joint; can also be applied to various kinds of take out or otherwise associated “group” phone calls.
The extrovert will always gladly be your Pizza Friend. They’ll make the call, open the door when the pizza arrives, and even chat up the delivery guy/girl to ensure a comfortable transaction for everyone. Extroverts also, unsurprisingly, will be the ones to ask for extra napkins when going to a restaurant.
6. Your level of approachable-ness rivals that of a kind old lady feeding pigeons at the park.
Extroverts have the special ability of drawing people to them. The might not have ever exchanged more than five words with a person, but they are always willing to help someone out-- and everyone else can see that too. Help with a bake sale? Sure! Cat stuck in a tree? Let me call the fire department! No matter what, you’re there and you’re ready to participate.
7. Group work is not the end of the world...
...Even if it has you pulling your hair out from the stress. The extrovert will take the lead, dictating the jobs of the other members and making sure that everyone is included and has a job to do. You can trust them to be the ones up at 2 a.m. the night before the project is due, finishing Group Member #3’s piece of the project with a vicious persona and shooting lasers from their eyes, but they’ll still be the one to hold the group together regardless!
8. Problems are easily solved through talking.
Or sub-tweeting Group Member #3, but that still counts! An extrovert doesn’t want a fight; they want a solution. There’s no point in punching each other if you still won’t have a solution to the problem at the end of the day. An extrovert wants to come to terms with someone. There’s no point in letting a potential friendship die off without trying to make amends.
The bottom line is; extroverts are just as important as introverts. They are not the shallow, floozy, dummies that everyone loves to peg them as. Because, let’s face it, where would this world be without them? Give an extrovert a hug, and remind them that you appreciate them today.