You probably have heard of a “five-minute dance party” or “shut up, dance it out” on "Grey’s Anatomy," or better yet, “random dancing” during your teenage years of watching "iCarly." But what are the effects of five minutes of dancing? Dancing, in general, constitutes to the development of the five elements of well-being: career well-being, social well-being, financial well-being, physical well-being, and community well-being. You will begin to enjoy what you do every day and look forward to this daily five-minute dance party; therefore, thriving career well-being. With social well-being, stronger friendships will be formed and love life increase as five minutes of dancing is contagious. Of course, money does not buy happiness, but getting out some dance moves will allow you to focus, entering a state of flow, and guide you towards financial stability. Good health and enough energy come along with dancing, promising physical wellbeing, as you will look and feel better, plus experience longevity. Community well-being begins with individual wellbeing, meaning that inviting one person to join dancing can become a chain reaction.
1. Dance promotes brain and body activity.
Activities are intrinsically rewarding, followed by invigorating aftermath. Nowadays, people beyond incorporating five minutes of dancing, many are partaking in dance classes. This no only increases activity, but allows greater creativity along with the development of socializing skills with members of the community. This becomes essential for individuals of any age, to live longer.2. Dance promotes flexibility and strength.
3. Dance increases positive effect
4. Dance endorses self-discovery and balance
5. Dance, as a hobby, reduces stress levels.
Although when you engage in a hobby time passes by quickly, your mind is distracted as you set clear goals for the activity with the benefit of seeking mastery or control, which is the opposite from the Western definition of stress, which is the loss of control.