We are still in the midst of football season. Just because it's game day doesn't mean my boyfriend and I can't have a quality time together. There is a big stigma that if you aren't a big football fan then watching games are horrible and boring or even that "we don't belong" watching with him. Here are 7 perks I gain from watching football with him!
What even is football without game day snacks? When we watch the games together he always makes us a big bowl of homemade gauc with chips. He goes all out with the tomatoes and lime and I greatly appreciate it.
He Loves the Support
When we watch games together, I know he appreciates that I support something he loves. It's something easy I can do that shows I'm there for him with things that maybe aren't my favorite but he really enjoys.
I Get the Best Naps In
As much he loves when I watch the games with him, he knows that I'm not intensely interested and I can get a little bored. That being said, some of the best naps I ever take are curled up on the couch, him next to me, and the game playing in the background! There's something relaxing about a chill Sunday nap during the day with the light chatter of the announcers and full of snacks.
We Get to Spend Time Together
Even if that time together is interrupted by cheering and bad calls by the refs, it's still time we get to have with one another. Watching football games together isn't something we do all the time so when we do it can be a fun change of pace and a new activity to bond even closer over.
I Get So Much Homework Done
Just like with napping, he's not heartbroken when my attention isn't fully on the game. On game days, instead of spending the whole day apart, I just bring my homework over to his place. Between the naps and snacking I'm left with a lot of down time to catch up on all my homework. He's not distracting because he's focused on the game, the game doesn't take my attention away from my work, and it provides just a general background sound that I find easy to work to.
During the game we are both just snuggled on the couch, chatting, and all cozy under warm blankets. You really can't get more relaxed than that and just sitting next to one another is the cherry on top.
I Don't Have to Fake Like a Team
My family has never been big into sports so whenever I was asked who I root for I would just say the basic ones everyone wants to hear. Now since I actually watch the games and know more about teams I find myself rooting for them. I don't have to make anything up or say I don't really care about sports. His favorite teams are now my favorite teams and it makes things a lot easier!
I Learn Endless Sports Facts
By watching football with him, I get the bonus of learning an endless amount of sports facts. Yeah he can talk sports with all his guy friends but I know he loves sharing all the random football (and sports in general) facts he has stored away in his brain. I've never met someone who knows as much about sports, player stats, team stats, and rules as he does. While they aren't the most riveting of information, I love hearing them because some facts I find interesting and end up remembering!
We Usually Get Dinner After
When there is a Sunday afternoon game, by the time its over neither of us want to make anything to eat for dinner. This usually results in us going out to dinner. It can be as simple as a TacoBell run all the way to grabbing Olive Garden, it just depends on what we are feeling that night! We don't always grab food after but when we do it's just the perfect addition to end the day with.
It Actually Can Be Entertaining
I may not know anything about either teams but watching him get excited when his favorite team does well is entertaining enough for me. When games are close I catch myself being invested in who's going to score next or what the refs are going to call on a flag that was thrown.
He loves football and I love him so taking some time out on a Sunday is an easy choice for me when I get so much from it too. Football Sunday's are becoming a tradition between us and I know he doesn't mind that one bit. From food, to naps, and productivity I am happy to watch games with him whenever he wants!