Unrealistic Relationship Expectations
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Unrealistic Relationship Expectations

What to stop expecting of your relationship.

Unrealistic Relationship Expectations

It's almost unfair. So many of us grew up watching TV shows that depicted perfect relationships, and couples that we idolize, in hopes that someday we meet someone that makes us as happy as Chuck makes Blair, Corey makes Topanga, or Soso makes Poussey. (Too soon?) What we often fail to realize though, is that these romances are nothing more than words typed onto a script and a few intense kissing scenes. Television writers like to appeal to the audience's emotions. As a result, they put fictional characters through the wringer, and nine times out of ten, prove their love to be resilient and unbreakable. They key term being fictional. Kind of like, any super hero movie you've ever seen. No one can actually shatter a meteor with their bare hands or shoot laser beams from their eyes. Fictional relationships are the same way, if you can sit there while your significant other leaves you time and time again, only to return, it's not because you're "unbreakable," it's because you lack self respect. Not to mention, the ideal relationships that hardly exist but remain to be discussed on social media networks. Trends like, #RelationshipGoals, that have people talking about what they want and expect out of a relationship, and some of them are just flat out ridiculous.

Here are some unrealistic relationship expectations bred by the portrayal of relationships on television and social media.

1. "If I text you at 8:10, you supposed to reply at 8:09"

Most often, the phrase above is coming out of a girl's mouth (or, her keyboard onto her Twitter page), but there are definitely a fair share of guys who are this clingy too. When two people start dating, you'll find that they are almost always in constant contact, and during the "honey moon period," that's almost okay. However, if you guys are always in constant communication with one another, sooner or later you'll run out of stuff to talk about. Not to mention, you two should still have your own lives separate from one another. As a result, you cannot grow dependent on some one else's attention. Maybe they're out with friends, helping their mom with the groceries, or even working. You cannot be upset with someone for not dropping everything to converse with you, and if you are, you should work on that.

2. "I want a relationship without fights."

Ladies and gentlemen, if you're in a relationship that's more than two months old, and you guys haven't had any minor arguments, it's the opposite of healthy. It probably means that one, if not, both of you are withholding certain feelings in order to avoid upsetting the other person. Whether it's because you're annoyed she's excessively clingy or because he doesn't put the toilet seat down, address the issues as they come, or your relationship could end up destroyed because you burned her toast.

3. "I need a boyfriend/girlfriend so I won't be miserable."

C'mon guys. Your boyfriend/girlfriend is not in your life to fix all your problems, and your problems aren't just going to disappear just because you're in a relationship. Not to mention, if you're miserable on your own, you'll be miserable with another person, and likely make them just as miserable in the process. Unless you're a really crappy person, you don't want your significant other to be constantly worrying about you, as it'll stress them out and possibly make them resentful of you and your relationship.

3. "My boyfriend/girlfriend isn't allowed to talk to any other girl/boy."

Okay, first of all, if you're that insecure about your relationship and your partner's ability to be faithful, get out, because you probably shouldn't be in a relationship anyway. Typically, there are either two things wrong when this is said in a relationship. First, your partner is consistently making you feel jealous or insecure intentionally. They could be flirting with other people in front of you or behind your back, or causing any reasonable doubt that they could be interested in someone else. If that's the case, get out, because you deserve better than that. However, if your partner is not causing reasonable doubt that he/she/they may be pursuing someone else, you could be too insecure yourself, as a result, you begin to overthink which results in paranoia. If that's the case, you may need to become a better one before you can be half of a two.

4. "I wanna marry my high school sweetheart."

Television really beat this one to death. These days, girls (and guys too) want nothing more to meet the person they'll spend the rest of their life with by the age of sixteen. That's cute and all, and I'm sure Corey and Topanga are very happy right now. However, your persona changes drastically between the ages of sixteen and twenty-six. As a result, the person you're in love with your senior year of high school, may not even exist by the time you start peaking at wedding ideas on Pinterest. The idea is to grow together, sure. Although, how realistic is that? When will the constant joking and charm stop subsidizing for the fact that he/she doesn't get out of bed till noon, and won't get a job? One of you will always grow up faster than the other, and while marrying your high school sweetheart isn't impossible, it shouldn't be your goal. Que sera, sera, my friends.

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