To Someone in a Toxic Friendship | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To Someone In A Toxic Friendship

Letting go is hard but it is the only way to achieve growth.

An Open Letter To Someone In A Toxic Friendship

A romantic relationship is not the only type of relationship that can be toxic. Friends that are toxic will drag you down and continue to hurt you no matter how much you love them. This is a hard lesson to learn, but it absolutely vital in maintaining your own happiness.

It's especially hard because sometimes you may not even notice that your friend's behavior is toxic. You care about them so much and they are often such a big part of your life that you ignore red flags. Some of these red flags can include putting you down, judging you, only talking about themselves and their problems and just overall negativity. These type of people often suck the life out of you, they manipulate you emotionally to get what they want out of the friendship. And you feel that there is no way out because your world almost revolves around them; often because they have made it that way.

There is always a way out, it will be extremely difficult and you will definitely feel a loss, but one day you will feel so much better.

Letting go of someone important to you that you love and care about is one of the hardest things in the world. You will have to grieve them in a way, it feels like you have lost them because you have. You will often only think about the best version of this person. All the good memories you shared and the connection you had. This is perfectly okay. You can acknowledge that this person was important to you, and you can and likely will always love them. But you have to prioritize yourself. Don't forget all of the heartache you have been through due to this person. They hurt you over and over again when they were supposed to love you unconditionally.

Friends are meant to be there for you no matter what but sometimes it just does not work out that way. You shouldn't feel guilty for letting go of someone who wasn't good for you, no matter how close you were. It's hard to accept that people often do not change unless they want to, and you can't make them be a good friend to you. You can't make them care for you the same way you do them.

You will always wish the best for this person and have love for them, but you will need to remove yourself from the friendship. This is much easier said than done but I can promise that it will change your life for the better.

Once you get rid of negativity in your life, you will attract the love and light that you deserve. People will come along that will pick you back up and be there for you. They will encourage you and help you to be the best person you can be. They will help you grow and will love to watch you succeed.

Most importantly, they will have the unconditional love for you that you once craved from your toxic friend. These new people are the ones that you need to hold onto. They often come along when you least expect it, so don't be afraid to take the leap. Let go of the those who are hurting you, because you never know who could be waiting for you on the other side.

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