Top Five "WHOA" Moments I Experienced From Virtual Reality | The Odyssey Online
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Top Five "WHOA" Moments I Experienced From Virtual Reality

Traveling from reality to unreality

Top Five "WHOA" Moments I Experienced From Virtual Reality

Just like a dream, this immersive experience took me hold and wouldn't let go. Okay, fine. I didn't want to let go! Virtual Reality (VR) was something almost hard to explain. I actually felt like I was in a completely different world, a dreamlike fantasy that captured the beauty of most great human minds.

Our dreams are extensions of desire. And just like a fantasy, our minds can imagine impossible feats. This can also be accomplished through a virtual means. Thus, VR was born. It's a visual representation of phenomenal experiences and unbelievable sights.

I am here to share with you my five "whoa" moments when playing VR.

1. No hands, no feet, no problem...

The moment you slip on the headphones and goggles, is the moment you realize that you are all eyes and ears. Technology takes it from there. When you are seeing in VR, you drop the physical aspect of yourself. Once you do that, you can give your full attention to the world surrounding you. Only then can you fully immerse yourself.

2. On a scale from one to five...immersive

It is nothing like playing a game on a TV. You are completely sucked into a world that you may even desire as your own. When you turn your head, the world turns. It bids you to stay, to live in a world of perfection. It is a trap.

3. Time is insufficient

You slip the goggles on at 10:31 p.m. You grow tired and decide to go to bed. Slipping the goggles off, you notice the clock on your wall reads 1:20 a.m. How did that happen? It is immersive. There is no time, no worry in the world when you take a step into fantasy.

4. Detail is everything

The aesthetic look of each game, each experience, was highly respected. It was unlike anything I have every seen with the naked eye. You are truly living a dream.

5. Separation Anxiety

I didn't want to leave! Just think, it's a world where you can do the impossible, without worry. Why would anyone want to leave? But, it was scary. If you immerse yourself too far into a fake world, you will lose sight of what is truly real.

VR=Bucket list

It is amazing. I cannot deny that. But, be careful. I am not kidding when I say that it is immersive.

Nonetheless, it truly is beautiful. It is surprising what our word continues to offer.

P.s. You look hilarious playing in front of people...Trust me, I know.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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