Top 12 Places To Eat In Cleveland Before You Die | The Odyssey Online
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Top 12 Places To Eat In Cleveland Before You Die

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Top 12 Places To Eat In Cleveland Before You Die

Every city has it own iconic foods, but there's no place in the country that has essential foods the way Cleveland does. From Cleveland style BBQ to custard cake on Murray Hill and deli sandwiches that keep you full for days. Cleveland's signature dishes are defiantly bucket list worthy. So loosen your belt and get hungry on the top 12 dishes to eat in the Land before you die.

1. Pierogies from Sokolowski's University Inn

Sokolowski's is legendary in Cleveland and not just because they've been around since 1923. Nope. It's the pierogies. One serving of these bad boys and you'll be checking your calendar to see when you can come back to have them again.

2. Corned Beef Sandwich from Slyman's

Nothing represents an iconic Cleveland food like the famous Corned Beef Sandwich from Slyman's. Seriously, served up on a deli rye and with a pickle spear, you'll leave this Cleveland staple smiling and with a full belly!

3. Polish Boy from Seti's Polish Boys

Oh my, you haven't lived until you've sunken your teeth into a Polish Boy from Seti's. A recent Yelp reviewer said "It's just the right amount of coleslaw to save your mouth from the gush of juice that comes with that first bite into the hot dog!" Sign. Me. Up.

4. Sugardale Hot Dog from Progressive Field

True Story: In 2015, The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council named the Sugardale hotdog dished up at Progressive Field as "Baseball's Best Hot Dog." Make sure yours is slathered in a pile of Cleveland's own Bertman Ballpark Mustard if you want the full pleasure. Everyone knows where Progressive Field is, but if not, follow the smell to the corner of Carnegie and Ontario.

5. Crispy Chicken Wings from Greenhouse Tavern

Head downtown to East 4th to a little eatery owned by local chef Jonathon Sawyer to experience the magic of their Crispy Chicken Wings. They're crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside.

6. Sunnyside Pizza from Bar Cento

Some of the best pizza in Cleveland can be found at Bar Cento in Ohio City and it was even recognized on the Food Network a few years ago. What's on the Sunnyside Pizza you ask, well it provolone cheese, sunnyside-up eggs, homemade pancetta and black pepper. Yumm!

7. Pork Belly from Mabel's

Cleveland officially has it own style of BBQ now thanks to celebrity chef and native Clevelander Michael Symon. The tender smoked Pork Belly at Mabel's is like no other! Have it with a side of hot greens and white toast. This iconic dish should be on every Clevelander food "bucket list".

8. Cassata Cake from Corbo's Bakery

Cleveland's Little Italy is legendary. This light Italian sponge custard and fresh strawberries- then topped with the most amazing whipped cream. Yes please!

9. Milkshakes from Tommy's

Does Tommy's REALLY have the best shakes in the country? You bet they do! In case you missed them in the spotlight during the recent RNC, here they are. If you're not sure where to start.. stay classic and go with either Chocolate or Vanilla, but my favorite is their Banana Mocha Shake! It's a party in your mouth.

10. Cheeseburger from Johnny's Little Bar

Johnny's is the epitome of an unassuming restaurant that delivers big taste. Voted "Best Burger" numerous times. Johnny's dishes up a burger that's second to none in Cleveland!

11. Chicken Paprikash from Sterle's Country House

Sterle's is the place to start for a taste of authentic Slovenian and Eastern European food in Cleveland. Their trademark dish is the Chicken Paprikash, and during brunch it includes an egg.

12. The "Shipwreck" from Lucky's Cafe

Don't let the name fool you. There's absolutely nothing "accidental or unfortunate" about the massive "Shipwreck" omelet. Lucky's dishes a pile of deliciousness for breakfast. They even do lunch! So if you are a person who sleeps in don't worry, they understand how you work!

Cleveland is full of iconic foods. The list just goes on. Start your bucket list now of the many places to eat in Cleveland before time runs out.

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