Spring break for many schools has come and gone, and the weird time between the end of that awesome week off and Easter break is upon us. For those at Catholic schools, the Thursday before Easter through Easter Monday is another gift given to us by our colleges to celebrate the holiday with our families.
However, knowing that another break from school is right around the corner can make it even more challenging for us to focus in classes. In need of some inspiration for keeping focused during the eight days of classes before Easter break? Look no further.
1. Find a study spot.
Whether you have to find your favorite study spot or return to your usual place, it can be a game-changer for getting work done. Is it easier to just sit in your bed, alternating between doing some reading and binge-watching "House of Cards"? Absolutely. But if you're the type that needs to be sitting on the third floor of the library, away from humanity, to get your work done, head there. It'll be easier on everyone (and better when you have the work done before break).
2. Have fun.
Yes, there is usually a good amount of work to get done between spring break and Easter, but there is also plenty of time to have some fun. If you're feeling outdoors-y, try going for a hike or walk around campus. Grab lunch or coffee with some friends between classes. Take time for yourself. These are all equally as important as getting work done, if not more.
3. Hit the gym.
Stressing over a project, paper or upcoming exam? Sometimes the best way to work out that stress is by heading to the gym. This obviously varies person to person, so know yourself and what you like. Anything from the elliptical, to Zumba, or an intramural game of basketball are all great ways to take a break from work and clear your mind.
4. Apply to jobs or internships.
So maybe this isn't the most fun tip for staying focused. And maybe it seems to be more of a distraction or addition to work than a tip to stay focused. But sometimes, working around the work that needs to be done can help you focus, too. If you're starting to stress about your plans for the summer or after graduation, setting aside some planned time during the week to look into these jobs or internships can be a good way to stay proactive and feel better about the looming summer or post-graduation plan questions you will get at Easter dinner.
5. Use your planner.
Depending on your style, you may not be the kind of person who benefits from the personal planner or calendar, but when you are trying to keep yourself focused between two breaks from classes and schoolwork, it can be super helpful to see the week(s) laid out in front of you. Knowing what needs to get done by when and how much longer you have to keep yourself focused is a great way to stay on top of things. That way, when Easter break does roll around, you've already gotten the work done!