A Guide to Finding Contentment in Your 20s
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A Guide to Finding Contentment in Your 20s

Be happy. Be bright. Be you.

A Guide to Finding Contentment in Your 20s
Creature Comforts

It seems that nowadays everyone that has internet access has an opinion as to when, why and how you should live your life. Scroll through your Facebook feed and you'll come across endless articles that tell readers that their relationship status or job title dictates their happiness.

(Photo via Pinterest)

Living in your 20s is overwhelming enough, from graduating college to embarking on a career and officially becoming financially independent for the first time. It can certainly make it hard to find your happy place. But, the most difficult part of being in your 20s is simply figuring who you are, or rather, the person you want to be.

Instead of constantly condemning one another for the ways in which we've chosen to live our lives—especially when it comes to events that are out of our control—I think that us twenty-somethings should be supporting one another. We as a whole should embrace the idea that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to live or be happy.

Life is going to throw you curveballs from time to time. Some you'll knock out of the park and some, well, will knock you down. These challenges and uncertainties during your formative years is what makes life exciting—even if it doesn't feel that way in the moment. So what's a person to do? Here, I've outlined 10 tips that help me live a happier, healthier life. Bookmark these, stat:

1. Keep a one-sentence journal
Yes, this comes completely from The Happiness Project. Thinking about logging full-on entries can actually add stress, so my suggestion is to start small. Write down one thought a day. If it's positive, the day ends on a reflective note, and if it's negative it gives you a chance to get those feelings out of your system. Baby steps.

2. Focus on one area of your life at a time

Part of feeling confident is setting attainable goals. Focusing on one area of your life gives you a healthier and more practical outlook on life. Take a deep breath and ask yourself what is troubling you. Start at the root of the problem and watch everything else fall into place.

3. Take care of yourself

Our physical and mental selves are a lot more related than we think. Often, when we're unhappy, the first things we sacrifice are sleep, healthy eating and exercise. Lacking in these things makes us more lethargic, less energized and ultimately depressed. While it may seem impossible try to squeeze in a workout or a nap, in the long run you'll be more efficient.

4. Connect with friends and family

When you aren't feeling your best it's tempting to shut down and become a hermit. Don't. There's something healing about face-to-face human interaction. Those who know you best often have more insight into what you might be going through than you do. Even if they don't have all the answers, getting your concerns out in the open can be just enough to gain some clarity.

5. Try new things

Who knows? You might just find a great new hobby you never expected you would love. Plus, even if you end up not loving it, you'll at least learn something new about yourself.

6. Know who your real friends are

It's important to figure out which friends truly care and will be there when the going gets tough. We all have those "party" friends, which are great for those nights when you want people to hang out with, but focus your energy on the people who really love you. You know, the people who have your back.

7. Instagram isn't real life, stop comparing

Listen, filters can make anything look peachy. Despite of how fun someone else's life looks, the truth is that nobody's life is perfect. Stop comparing yours to someone's Instagram account. Instead, do things that bring you joy... and maybe leave the phone at home.

8. Love your body

This is honestly one of the hardest things for people in their 20s to actually do. It's not easy, but loving your imperfections is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Do you hate your weight? Your nose? Your hair? Those things aren't important. Try focusing on the things you DO you like. Remember, every so-called imperfection you see is something that makes you uniquely you.

9. Don't pressure yourself to fit an ideal

It may be difficult to take in when everyone around you is moving forward in their relationships and careers, but everyone is on their own track in life. Don't succumb to what society says you should be doing. Do what makes you happy and everything will work itself out. It's okay to be different, embrace it.

10. Travel the world

Visiting other parts of the world is incredibly rewarding and it offers you a chance to experience the lives of others and experience situations that will teach you so much in life and about yourself. There are so many beautiful places in the world to visit. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

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