Problems With Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (Open Alpha)
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Problems With Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (Open Alpha)

Basically Modern Warfare (2019), but with different guns

Problems With Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (Open Alpha)

After playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War open alpha on the PlayStation 4, I have never been more disappointed with the Call of Duty franchise. While I did enjoy playing it to some extent, there were some problems that I encountered as well as other players. Here are some of the problems that I found in the game. I took the liberty to make GIF's off of my gameplay experience. I could not record one clip though. There was a huge bug when it came to recording clips throughout my entire gameplay experience.

Camping Is Still Bad

A camper getting sniped

For those of you who have played Modern Warfare (2019), you know how bad the camping is. Now imagine camping, but now more places where there is head glitching. What happened to running around and killing each other like in the original Call of Duty: Black Ops? Now we have a game similar to Modern Warfare (2019), which was and still to this day filled with campers.

Barely Any Change In Graphics

Modern Warfare (2019) on top, Black Ops Cold War on bottom

it looks and feels exactly like Modern Warfare (2019). There are slightly subtle changes in the HUD, but graphics wise such as texture looks almost identical to each other. While it is in alpha test and changes can come later on, it is pretty mediocre for Call of Duty to recycle their graphics. It may be because they are focusing the graphics for next generation, but for right now, there is barely a difference in terms of graphics.

Feels Stiff

I interacted with other gamers and they can agree that the movement feels stiff. Again, it is in alpha test so anything can change, but so far player movements do not feel as fluid. I tried sprinting and it made my character would stop running for no reason. As I found out, maybe it is just my controller, but what I noticed is that once you click your joystick, you have to stick with it. Move the joystick by a millimeter and you will stop sprinting. Not only that, but interacting with the environment does not feel comfortable at all.

Spawn Placements Are Bad

This is a problem. You would spawn in on the map thinking no enemy is nearby. You are very wrong. Enemies can literally be right next to you when you spawn in, resulting in being spawn trapped. Why is this bad? Well, to some people like myself, we want to go out there and play like gentleman. Meaning we want to go out there and blow your brains. Not we come in and you blow our brains immediately when we spawn. There is no skill involved with spawn trapping, it becomes boring, and it promotes bad sportsmanship. A lot of gamers do not care about that, people can find it entertainable, but it is very frustrating when it happens on the victim side.

Slide Cancelling

Sliding in action

This is probably one of the most addressed problems right now. A lot of people are taking advantage of "slide cancelling" due to the fact that not only is it hard to kill people sliding, but because they aim a lot faster. Plus, you can get a lot of distance with the slide which players are now labeling as the "G-Slide." Players remember in the older days in Black Ops where you dive. Now, this game allows you to slide and move around different environments. That was the original and planned idea. Now, it is more of people running around sliding while possibly getting knee scrapes.

Frags Are Useless

Player throwing a frag

I have no idea if it is a bug or not, but I have noticed that the frags are terrible. It is basically pointless due to the fact that there is little to no blast radius, making it a useless pebble that players throw around. On the plus side, your player has a really good arm can throw very far.

Continuous Scorestreaks

New scorestreaks system

I have been in multiple lobbies and all I hear are people complaining about the scorestreaks. It does not feel as rewarding as it used to be. The way the scorestreaks works is it is continuous. Kills still do matter in a sense, but you could die as many times and the streak meter is still growing. There are no penalties when you die, making it easier for people to get any scorestreak they want over time.

Feels EXACTLY like Modern Warfare (2019)

Everything about Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War feels almost exactly like Modern Warfare (2019). It feels like the game was copy and pasted: The graphics are the same, the maps feel the same, and movement is slightly the same other than it feeling extremely awkward.

Overall, if things are the same as they are now, players are better off with taking a year off in terms of buying a Call of Duty game. Unless you are a fan of playing other game modes such as Warzone, zombies, or the campaign, it does not feel like a game worth buying for the time being. As mentioned before, it is in alpha test so anything can happen after alpha, but so far it is disappointing. It feels mediocre, lazy, and disappointing. This game feels like it is a big screw you to fans of the Call of Duty franchise due to the fact that it feels like a copy and paste version of Modern Warfare (2019), but with new guns. Similar to EA with keeping Madden the same game every year and adding little new features, it seems like Call of Duty has the same approach as Madden for the time being. Anything can happen in the next few months so there might be subtle or drastic changes.

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