College is a very busy time, and between the clamoring about political views, condemning other people’s beliefs, and trying to get enough sleep, it is hard to find enough time to study. Even when I do somehow find the time for the hours of stats homework and the papers I have due every week, I find my motivation is sometimes severely lacking. It’s probably just senoritis. Whatever it is, here is a list of ten things I would rather be doing than writing a paper right now.
1. Completely vacuum my room, including behind every piece of furniture and inside the closet.
2) Make a wedding board on Pinterest, even though I am not currently engaged and don’t plan to be for many years.
3) Watch Youtube videos of emus playing fetch.
4) Wash, dry, iron, and fold three loads of laundry, even taking the time to fold and organize my socks and underwear.
5) Accidentally read two hours’ worth of click-bait articles…accidentally.
6) Make a very detailed to-do list, and promptly ignore it.
7) Read Les Miserables. All of it.
8) Search for an apartment, even though I won’t need one for about eight months.
9) Run a 5k (Gotta hatch those Pokemon).
10) Realize it is now 2 a.m. and try again tomorrow.
Bonus: Here’s a link to my favorite emu video: