It always feels good to do something nice for someone else. It bounces back and makes you feel good too. The only thing is that it is sometimes really difficult to think of little things here and there to do for someone (or yourself) to give that extra little boost of happiness. Here's a list of some ideas that are cheap and easy - and some are even free!
1. Call your grandparents. They love hearing from you. You are, after all, their grandchild.
2. Write a letter to a soldier. Thank them for their sacrifice and loyalty to their country. They'll appreciate it.
3. Take a nap. Nobody likes a cranky person.
4. Clean out your closet. You can donate your clothes, go to a second hand store and maybe even get a buck or two out of them.
5. Get ice cream with a friend you haven't talked to in a while. It's always fun to catch up!
6. Read a book. You don't have to read the whole thing in one sitting, but having the time to unwind and get lost in another world is always enjoyable.
7. Color! With all the adult coloring books now, coloring is fun for any age!
8. Pay it forward. Pay for someone's coffee or meal at the restaurant or coffee shop you're at. They will most likely go on and do the same!
9. Give someone a compliment. Do this for a stranger; they are not expecting it and it really makes them light up that someone noticed them!
10. Pet a dog (or a cat if that is more your thing).Animals are the perfect way to relax and make you happy.
11. Watch funny shows. Laughter is the best medicine.
12. Cook or bake your favorite food. Sometimes when you know it's homemade, it has that extra taste of love.
13. Visit your parents. They miss hearing from you, and if you stop by, you are most likely to get a meal (and one to go)!
14. Dance! Who cares if you look stupid, dance like nobody is watching? It's always the best when you're jamming out and having fun!
15. Sing in the shower (or just sing everywhere). Even if you can't carry a tune, showing that you're comfortable makes others feel the same.
16. Go for a walk. Take in the fresh air and notice the world around you
17. Hug someone. As Josh from "Drake and Josh" would say, "HUG ME BRUDDAH!"
18. Help a neighbor. Getting to know your neighbors is one thing, but helping each other is what makes a neighborhood feel like home.
19. Volunteer. It doesn't matter where -- retirement home, animal shelter, a school -- seeing people giving their time shows that they really care.
20. Sit with someone who is alone. It doesn't matter where you are, but if you see someone sitting alone, go be with them and strike up a conversation. You'll never know what you might learn.
21. Search for "long lost" family members. Google your name and see what information comes up and see if you can contact family members.
22. Take pictures. They don't have to be professional quality and they can be of anything and everything. Sometimes the photos that are not suppose to be taken are the best.
23. Learn a new language. One thing I've always noticed is that when someone who doesn't speak English all that well talks to someone and they respond in their native language, it makes them feel better about being where they are.
24. Take someone's dishes for them. If you're at a fast food restaurant, walk up to a table and ask if they are finished and offer to take their trash for them (not recommended at a sit down restaurant).
25. Smile. When people see others smiling, they smile too.