Since COVID-19 hit the earth, things have gotten pretty serious, pretty quickly. Our lives have been on pause lately, especially with everything being shut down. However, staying at home can get pretty old and boring, pretty quick in my opinion. We are human, and we crave socialization and being able to interact with our outside world. But, don't worry, I have come up with the best possible way to not become bored during this self-quarantining period in our lives as we go down in history for having experienced a pandemic in our college years. Check it out below, and hopefully, it will help settle your ongoing napping cycle.
1. Work Out
This can be your perfect excuse to get some at-home equipment and push yourself to your limits!! 2020 is all about being and staying healthy in style.
2. Take A Walk Outside
... or even better yet, go for a run. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors and nature this world has given us to explore!
3. Binge Watch A Show
This is the time to not guilt yourself about sitting on the couch and watching your favorite or a new tv-show or movie series. Time to self-isolate means being able to catch up on shows you missed during college season.
4. Re-Organize // Clean Your Room
There is no better feeling than re-arranging and cleaning up your room. Decluttering could also help with stress and anxiety levels!! Also, to top it off, lighting a candle hits different with a cleaned room.
5. Bake
This could be the time that you learn how to cook or bake something amazing- which is a perfect recipe to share later on!
6. Board Games
yes, this may be so 2010 but board games will always hit home and remind us of our childhood. Plus, it is a great way to bond and spend some time with your family while passing the time.
7. Read
I don't know about you guys, but I was a huge bookworm when I was a kid and had the time to be indulged by a good book. Since life hit me and I had to grow up, I never really had the time to sit down, relax, and enjoy a good book and now I do!!
8. Make A Photo Album
This could be a good time to ask your mom to pull out her scrapbooking stickers and paper and make your very own scrapbook full of college memories of you having a good time!! Plus, you can always add onto it later down the road and it will be great to look back on.
9. Facetime With Friends And Family
Not all of us are so lucky to have all of our friends and family be a couple minute drive or walk away, so phones for sure do come in handy.
10. Make A Playlist
I don't know about you, but I have a playlist for dang near every mood and event possible (for the most part). Having your music organized, it just hits different and you are prepared for every milestone and emotion possible. Trust me, you will not regret this one.