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Its the Little Changes

Because health is important, little changes matter

Its the Little Changes

Over the past few years I have changed so much as a person, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically. This article though, is not going to be like my previous articles, talking about how I have changed for the better. It is an article that will recognize and highlight how I have changed for the worse. But, I will also address how I plan to take my time to work on these flaws I see in myself. Most of these flaws begin with my physical appearance, it is a confession about how I don't always love the way I look. I understand though that the choices I have made along the way stem from my mentality, and they have changed me physically.

Something that I am not proud of lately is some of the weight I have gained. Obviously this can be an embarrassing topic to talk about, but I am a true believer that when you put your feelings out into the world, you release them a little and feel better. One thing that I want the public to understand is that growing up, I was always a small girl. I did not weigh a lot. At the end of high school, I probably totaled one-hundred and ten pounds. That's not a lot. Since graduation, I have gained probably thirty-five pounds. Two years later I don't feel great about myself. The weight I am now might not seem a ton to many people, but given my size and the weight I have been for the first eighteen years of my life, this is a significant gain for me. I am frustrated in myself for letting my body get to this point, and I hope the changes I am making will help. This change for me started with laziness. After high school, I started to lose any motivation I had to work out. In college there were spells here and there that I would try for a week or maybe even three to work out and lose weight. Eventually I would stop. My laziness would overcome me and I would just give up. My unhealthy eating in college also took me down hill fast. This sucked for me because I felt like I could not control myself and that I was on a downward spiral. To sum it up, my lack of motivation to exercise and eat right caused my downhill spiral. I gained weight and it was my fault due to my laziness. This choice is not one that I am proud of, but is something I will live with until the changes I am making now pay off.

Unfortunately, this is a very real reality for many people who go off to college. They don't make the good choices they did in high school because there is not as much routine. In college you have freedom and control of yourself. For me, this led to a weight gain that has embarrassed me and made me unhappy with my outward appearance. It has made me disappointed in my inner motivation and qualities. Recently when I realized how unhappy I was with myself, I made the decision to really crack down on my eating habits. I plan to start working out soon but I want to take this one step at a time. It will be a slow process but I am hoping it will lead me to a strong and healthy me. I want to make sure that this new found interest in health and fitness becomes a lifestyle for me. The point behind this article is that health is a choice. You choose the path you are on. If you want to lose weight and make a change, it has to be slow and permanent process. Eat healthy, of course treat yourself occasionally, but it moderation, and finally, take care of your body by exercising. My goal is to become strong and muscular, if you can set a goal for yourself and visualize on top of a want to change, you will most certainly do well. Keep going and persist because health is important and so is your faith in yourself.

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