Whenever we leave Wisconsin, people ask us why we're weird, even though they're the weird ones. Here's a few of the common questions I've been asked while out of state.
10. "Do you love the Packers?"
This question should not be a question, considering there are no other teams to cheer for in Wisconsin, and the Packers are awesome.
9. "Do you eat a lot of cheese?"
I guess letting you know that I have at least five different types of cheese in my fridge at any given moment answers this question.
8. "What's snow like?"
It's cold.
7. "Have you ever milked a cow?"
I always laugh when I get this question. While a huge portion of the land in Wisconsin is used for dairy farming, I personally have never milked a cow.
6. "Why can't I pronounce any of the names of your cities?"
From Kaukauna and Wauwatosa, to Waukesha and Oconomowoc, I guess I can't say I blame them for asking this one.
5. "What's in a cheese curd?"
You don't ask what's in a cheese curd. You eat it, and then you realize you want another one. I guess this is one of the factors that accounts for the 27.7 percent of our state's population that is considered obese.
4. "Where's up north?"
Up north is where the deer are killed, and the beers are drunk.
3. "Does everyone have an accent?"
We don't have an accent. You do.
2. "A stop and what?"
A stop and go light.
1. "What's a bubbler?"
This has to be the biggest discrepancy between Wisconsinites and foreigners. A fountain is something that they usually put in parks. A bubbler is what you drink out of while at school.