Last Tuesday, Trump received praise from both the left and right for delivering an unusually measured and "capital-P Presidential" speech.
CNN's Van Jones gushed, "He became President in that moment, period."
Those of us with stronger long-term memories were not buying it.

And sure enough, less than 72 hours after his new popularity, Trump ruined it.
The President of the United States took a cue from Twitter trolls and far-right radio hosts and accused Obama of wiretapping his phone.

In his defense, Trump didn't make this idea up.
Since the Russia controversy with Jeff Sessions, the topic of choice for far-right radio has been "waking us up" to a different conspiracy.
Ah, but of course.
This can all be explained by...
The Obama Shadow Government.
“I think that President Obama is behind it,” Trump (the President of the United States) said. “Because his people are certainly behind it.”
Here's What We Know About the Obama Shadow Government.
1. He's setting up an insurgency.
“He’s setting up almost an insurgency. He’s picking people in foreign affairs, labor, abortion, union matters. He’s setting it up to start appearing on television, making speeches, doing op-ed pieces.
For the next four years, you’re going to see not only the Trump administration, but you’re going to see a shadow government opposing a Trump administration.”
-Ed Klein, Conservative pundit

2. It is a full-blown Marxist-Communist resistance movement.
"We are witnessing a full-blown Marxist-communist resistance movement, a revolution in America. The chief banker funding the Purple Revolution is billionaire George Soros and the chief community organizer directing the insurrection in the streets is none other than Barack Hussein Obama."
-Rick Wyles, Truenews Christian Radio

3. He is commanding an army of 30,000 or 50,000 activists, criminals, and illegal immigrants from his home two miles from the White House.
"When former President Barack Obama said he was 'heartened' by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency.
And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.
In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda."
-Paul Sperry, New York Post

4. The shadow government is run by the Gays.
"My guess based solely on my knowledge of the 'gay' movement and Obama’s personal priorities, is that the today’s alphabet soup of intelligence agencies could easily be condensed to just four letters: LGBT."
-Scott Lively, Author of "Pink Swastika"

5. If you don't like Trump, you are definitely with the Shadow Government.
“They realize that the Trump administration poses a mortal threat … and so have enlisted an army of Democrats, some Republicans, the ‘neverTrumpumpkin’ conservative die-hards, leftist thugs, Black Lives Matter and anybody else they can blackmail, browbeat or enlist. They mean business."
-Rush Limbaugh
Oh, Mr. Trump. Why did you have to feed the troll.
6. He's running it from his house.
"The Obama house in the posh Kalorama section of Washington DC is the nerve center of the shadow government."
-The Gateway Pundit

7. Also, the Illuminati.

I mean, if this isn't all the hard evidence we need.
8. You can get Lunch Alerts on your phone when he's launching a coup d-etat.

9. Doesn't it all make sense now.

10. Millions of Americans are probably okay with this.

Maybe things aren't as they seem..

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