11 Reasons Napping Is Important
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11 Reasons Napping Is Important

11 Good Reasons to Drop Everything and Nap Right Now

11 Reasons Napping Is Important

From kindergarteners to exhausted college students, people everywhere love and worship their nap time. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation are common for most people, unfortunately, so it’s no surprise that a vast majority of humans turn into serial nappers. Let’s be honest, nothing feels better than curling up after class or work and zoning out for a few hours. Naps are so refreshing, and they truly are a godsend. Here are just a few reasons why naps are a necessity for everyone:

1. Taking a nap recharges and refreshes the body and mind

For the human body, taking a nap is like recharging our batteries. Naps are especially beneficial to those who work long hours or have long, busy days. Sleep deprivation is a huge problem amongst most of society; taking naps helps combat the negative side affects accompanied by the lack of sleep. Essentially, taking a nap is like hitting the restart button on your brain.

2. Naps increase alertness

Napping can increase alertness and awareness, as it resets the brain. This results in making better decisions and practicing better judgment. Similarly, after napping, senses are heightened and more intact. Several studies have been done, proving time and time againthat despite the length of the nap, attentiveness is definitely improved after a nap.

3. Naps = happiness

It’s pretty much common sense that naps are a definite mood-booster. Think about young children: when they miss a nap, they are cranky, whiny, and irritable. Well, believe it or not, the same thing happens to just about everyone, and taking a nap can fight off the grouchiness brought upon by sleep deprivation. Scientifically speaking, a chemical in the brain that controls mood, serotonin is released while sleeping. So take a nap, and be happy.

4. Taking naps can serve as stress relief

We’ve already established that naps can improve mood, but napping can also reduce stress. In fact, this is clinically proven; as you sleep, the brain produces a hormone that combats the destructive chemicals manufactured as a result of stress. Naps can be extremely beneficial to both the brain and body.

5. Napping improves mental health

Not getting enough sleep is extremely detrimental to your health, both mentally and physically. However, sleep deprivation takes a much heavier and much more serious toll on your mental health. Napping allows you to refresh and reboot, giving your brain a much needed break. Scientists have found that brain activity is continuously higher in those who nap regularly versus those who do not. Similarly, memory and learning are improved drastically after a decent nap.

6. Napping also improves physical health

Napping/sleeping isn't referred to as "beauty sleep" for no reason. It's a quite obvious fact that when somebody doesn't get much sleep, it's noticeable all over their face. From bags under the eyes to an exhausted demeanor, the physical signs of lack of sleep are not pretty. Thankfully, sleep can fix that, as your skin cells regenerate as you snooze. Even if you aren't able to get a full eight hours, squeezing a nap into your day can help relieve the physical symptoms of sleep deprivation.

7. Naps are an escape from reality

Life is stressful - there is no doubt about it. Sometimes the pressures of life can overwhelm us, whether it be from a heavy course load, a full-time job, or trying to juggle both. When everything starts to flood in at once, the anxiety, fear, and stress is REAL. Taking a nap combats this; it gives you some alone time, time to do nothing and recharge before having to take on everything life is throwing your way.

8. Napping boosts creativity and productivity

Have you ever had a big project to do and had no idea where to begin? Well, naps can help that, too. Researchers have found that the increase in creativity after sleep is all thanks to a spark of brain activity in the right hemisphere, which controls the creative processes. The amount of sleep one gets is directly related to their performance in their daily lives. Napping is perfect for those of us who need a boost in performance and creativity.

9. Taking naps makes us feel like kids again (amiright?)

As kids, we faught our parents and caregivers at nap time; we resisted, we rebelled, and we revolted. Now, years later, we are wishing to go back to the simpler times when nap time was a scheduled part of our days. Adulting is hard, and everyone needs a break from it every once in a while. Taking a nap can serve as a release, letting us be kids again, if only for 30 minutes.

10. Naps + Cuddling = HEAVEN

Cuddling is the best; napping and cuddling is better. Nothing is more comfortable than cuddling up with your significant other (or best friend) and passing out. Napping with a cuddle buddy is BOMB. Who knows why this combo is so great, but it is. So, grab a comfy blanket, put on some Netflix, cuddle up, and nap comfortably.

11. Napping can actually help with weight loss

Unlike the many "ItWorks" and other scammy products, sleep is a natural and proven weight loss technique. Without the proper amount of rest, the body will retain its weight. Obviously, water and exercise are crucial, as well, but sleep plays a big part. When you sleep, your metabolism is boosted, and your appetite is curbed. The body actually looses weight while you sleep, so the more naps you take (and water you drink/exercise you do), the more likely you are to start shedding some pounds.

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