Who Needs A Rebound | The Odyssey Online
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Who Needs A Rebound

Date yourself.

Who Needs A Rebound

The relationship status is subtly, but officially, changed from in a relationship to single on Facebook. The automatic good morning and good night texts have stopped. You don't look forward to Thursday's just because flower deliveries, anymore. You go grocery shopping by yourself, and you realize that you don't have someone to dance with in the frozen aisle. You won't wear his big T-shirts in public, but you still wear them to sleep whether you admit to it or not. You get stressed, sad, worried, or upset and you remember you can't just call him up and cry or run to his house for a hug.

You start to consider going on dates or hanging out with other guys you normally wouldn't just to fill your time and occupy your mind so you don't think about how lonely you've been feeling. You're realizing it's actually over, and you're not sure what to do next.

You're scared to start over, but you know you need to get back to the person you were on your own before him.

Instead of looking for a rebound to try and make the pain disappear, date yourself. That sounds like a crazy concept, but hear me out for a second or two. Get to know yourself again; find the girl you are without another person having to complete you.

Take it step by step. Take it one day at a time. Just focus on yourself and put all of that sad energy into something good. Try something new on the menu at your favorite restaurant, set aside time for relaxation, read a book, learn how to cook something different, or plan a day trip adventure with a friend. Focus on all of the things you've wanted to do for yourself but didn't have time for or couldn't do when you were occupied with someone else. Feeling sad is expected after a breakup, but it can also become one of the greatest times of your life because it's now a new chapter full of possibilities for discovering yourself.

Buy your own flowers. Brighten up your living space. Now you can pick out your favorite flowers every single time! Rearrange your room. Add some pictures, take away some pictures, rearrange some of the furniture.

Do a puzzle. Buy a hammock. Go out and watch the sunset or sunrise it it.

Go for a hike. Challenge yourself.

Walk by the beach. Appreciate the outdoors and all of its beauty.

Go to a wine and design class with some friends. Paint pottery. Do something to get your crafty side going! Get a pedicure, massage, or facial. You owe it to yourself to relax and treat yourself every once in awhile. This is the perfect time to do that.

Instead of viewing this as a time where you're by yourself, lonely, and feeling incomplete, date yourself. Pursue your passions, interests, and anything you want to accomplish. Focus on yourself. Focus on the positives. Focus on bettering yourself -- all by yourself.

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