In our fast-paced society, we never really think to stop and count our blessings. We are always so focused on the negative that we forget to enjoy everything we already have in our lives. We often forget what Thanksgiving is really all about: giving thanks. While the food is amazing, it's not just about eating your weight in mashed potatoes and going shopping after dinner. Therefore, I want to use the upcoming holiday to share with you everything for which I am thankful.
I, among so many others in our society, tend to just go through the motions in life that I don't really appreciate what I was given. Therefore, I want to take some time to be grateful for my crazy, beautiful life this Thanksgiving and work harder to really live my life to the fullest. Oscar Wilde said, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." This sad truth has always stuck with me, and I hope that you can start to appreciate your own life this Thanksgiving and help falsify this statement. Give thanks and really start to take everything in. There is magic in the world; you just have to see it in a different perspective.
Unless you're reading this at a public library, you more than likely have a roof over your head. I complain every day about how ugly/dirty my house may be at the time, but I really need to stop and appreciate the fact that I have a home in the first place. There are so many people just in the United States that have nothing and still manage to be the kindest people you will probably ever meet. This seems like a small thing to be thankful for, but to a large portion of the world, shelter is the most important desire. I am so thankful that I have a place to call home, and I hope you feel the same.
This one is very often overlooked, but it is something we need every day. Without food and water, we would not survive. If you are able to put food on the table for your family, you are already doing great. There are starving people all over the world for various reasons, so you are very blessed to be able to have food on your plate regularly. We need to start taking time to appreciate the little things in life and take nothing for granted. I've learned in the past year that you really are what you eat, and I have had the privileged to be able to fuel my body with as much nutrient-rich food as possible. I am extremely thankful to be able to eat for more than just survival, but for enjoyment and good health as well.
As extremely dysfunctional as my family is, I don't know what I would do without them. As I have gotten older and moved out, my mom has become my best friend. I probably call my mom about five times a day. My family is pretty small, but they'll always be there. Really be thankful for your family and other loved ones this holiday, especially with everything going on in the world, because you never know what could happen. Give your family members a kiss and a hug and tell them you love them this holiday, and every day after.
My Boyfriend
I am socially awkward and suck at getting close to people, but I really got close to my boyfriend. He has made me smile when all I wanted to do was cry so many times. He is my rock, and I don't tell him enough how much I appreciate everything he does for me and our family. Just as I am going to do, make your love known and make your partner feel appreciated this Thanksgiving because according to Audrey Hepburn, "the best thing to hold onto in life is each other."
My Fur Babies
This may not apply to everyone because not everyone has pets, but as long as you can take care of them you really should have pets. I feel like a house really isn't a home without a dog...or whatever pet you like best. My animals are my furry/scaly children, and I don't know what my life would be like without them. They have unconditional love for me, and they can always make me smile. They make me want to work harder to give them the best life possible. A friend of mine once told me that she would never want to live a world without dogs, and I feel the exact same way. I am so very thankful to have my cuddly dogs, and my ferrets and fish, as well. Two of my dogs are featured in the picture below: Benny is on the left and Bentley is on the right. They are the perfect brothers, and they complete me.
Whether you have one friend or 100 friends, I encourage you to give thanks for those that care about you. I am a firm believer of quality over quantity, so I don't have that many friends. However, the friends I do have would do anything for me, just as I would do for them. We don't talk every day, because we're crazy busy, but we are still just as close when we do. It helps that my best friend is practically just a nicer version of myself, too. I am very thankful for the bonds that we share.
A lot of people complain about their jobs, but there are a lot of people who either can't get jobs or can't get jobs that pay enough to have anything. Be thankful that you have a job this holiday if you do. It's okay to dislike your job at times, but you should always be thankful you have a job that allows you to put food on the table. It takes a lot of time to find a job that you truly love to do anyway, so it's better to be positive and thankful until you find that dream job that makes it come naturally.
While you stuff your face with turkey and mashed potatoes this Thanksgiving Day, take time to appreciate all that you have in your life. Someone else may just be wishing they had what you have, so don't take it for granted. Enjoy your holiday with your family, and go shopping the next day. The stores will always be there, and you can actually find better deals at other times anyway. Your loved ones will not always be there, so cherish the holidays and the time you get to spend together. Take pleasure in all the little things in life, and always remember to be thankful for what you have.