100 Things To Dislike: Scenarios That Drive People Nuts
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100 Things To Dislike: Scenarios That Drive People Nuts

We've All Been There

annoyed man on phone looks at laptop
Photo by sarah b on Unsplash

I was experiencing writer's block (see #94), so I compiled this list of things that just drive me nuts. I'm sure many of you can relate to this, so I've decided to share it with the world. Enjoy!

1. Ringing ears

2. Snobs

3. People who act dumb

annoyed man covering his face Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

4. Hang nails

5. Being the lone person while walking on the sidewalk

6. When you say hi to someone and they don't say it back

7. Shallow people

8. Judgmental people

9. Know-it-alls

smart woman reading book Photo by Ying Ge on Unsplash

10. When people don't realize the tone of voice they're using

11. Awkward situations

12. People with pretty faces and ugly personalities

13. When people point out your insecurities

14. Being rushed

15. Homework

boy completes homework Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

16. Testing weeks

17. Being broke

18. When there's nothing good to eat in the house

18. Allergies

20. When your hair just won't cooperate

woman experiences bad hair day Photo by Sherise Van Dyk on Unsplash

21. Not fitting into clothes

22. Diner pancake syrup

23. Condescending tones

24. Mouth breathers

25. Being late

brown and white clocks Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

26. Chipping nail polish

27. When plans fall through

28. When it's too hot to sleep with a blanket

29. Bad grammar

30. Bad manners

31. Peeps

32. Breaking in shoes

new red shoes Photo by Matthew Hamilton on Unsplash

33. Blisters

34. Burning yourself with hair appliances

35. Burnt popcorn

36. Fruity gum

37. Closed-mindedness

38. Drama

39. Having expectations

40. Being lonely

man on phone by the ocean Photo by Stefan Spassov on Unsplash

41. Underwear lines

42. People who don't give others the benefit of the doubt

43. Total pessimists

44. Yankees Fans

45. The Dallas Cowboys

46. Speed bumps

speed bump signs Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

47. Mushy grapes

48. Itchy blankets

49. Waiting

50. Procrastinating

51. Emptying and filling the dishwasher

52. Sponges

53. People who read your phone over your shoulder

54. Not being able to sneeze

54. Hiccups

55. Bugs

spider web in the grass Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

56. Selfishness

57. Being embarrassed

58. Hypocrites

59. Forgetting to take your makeup off before you go to bed

60. Body odor

61. No Wi-Fi

62. School

school bus on country road Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash

63. Stubbing your toe

64. Feeling bloated

65. Overeating

66. Loved ones who leave

67. Bossiness

68. People who mumble

69. Pimples

70. When people mispronounce the "Reese's" in "Reese's Peanutbutter Cups"

71. Running

runners on open road Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

72. Asthma attacks

73. The fact that food makes you fat

74. Slow walkers

75. People who stop in the middle of the hallway

76. Compulsive liars

77. People who leave your door open when they leave the room

78. Shaving

79. Getting up early

early morning coffee with smartphone Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

80. Distance

81. Nightmares

82. Bad breath

83. Peeling oranges

84. Mornings

85. Braggers

86. People who always have to one-up you

87. Whining

88. Any kind of math

red pencil with mathematical equations Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

89. People who dislike you for no reason whatsoever

90. Grudges

91. Bad attitudes

92. Too much PDA

93. Headaches

94. Writer's block

95. Growing up

96. Trying to lose weight

97. Being angry

98. Cocky boys

99. Boys

100. Cleaning

cleaning supplies Photo by Crystal de Passillé-Chabot on Unsplash

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